// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Red Deck Wins // CREATOR : Natalino_91 // FORMAT : Pauper 4 [TSP] Dread Return 16 [A] Mountain 4 [DKA] Faithless Looting 4 [SOI] Insolent Neonate 3 [] Lotleth Giant 4 [] Molten Gatekeeper 4 [KLD] Cathartic Reunion 4 [] Scrapwork Mutt 4 [] Sneaky Snacker 4 [TO] Basking Rootwalla 4 [] Voldaren Epicure 4 [RAV] Stinkweed Imp 1 [ALA] Scourge Devil SB: 2 [] Breath Weapon SB: 4 [] End the Festivities SB: 1 [JU] Flaring Pain SB: 4 [NE] Seal of Fire SB: 4 [] Shenanigans