// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Mono Black Aggro // CREATOR : Ropesalido // FORMAT : Standard 4 [] Lord Skitter, Sewer King 4 [] Persistent Marshstalker 4 [] Karumonix, the Rat King 4 [] Gnawing Vermin 4 [] Deep-Cavern Bat 3 [] Nezumi Informant 4 [] Burglar Rat 2 [] Stab 3 [] Anoint with Affliction 3 [] Bitter Triumph 3 [] Duress 3 [] Mudflat Village 14 [] Swamp 3 [] Cavern of Souls 2 [] Mirrex SB: 1 [] Duress SB: 2 [] Go for the Throat SB: 2 [] Liliana of the Veil SB: 3 [] Ghost Vacuum SB: 2 [] Dreams of Steel and Oil SB: 3 [] Withering Torment SB: 2 [] Cut Down