// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Weenie White // CREATOR : v0dka // FORMAT : Pauper 1 [] Idyllic Grange 3 [SOI] Thraben Inspector 3 [M12] Guardians' Pledge 4 [] Raffine's Informant 4 [JU] Battle Screech 16 [A] Plains 3 [] Novice Inspector 4 [M11] Squadron Hawk 4 [] Lunarch Veteran 2 [] Dawnbringer Cleric 4 [ZEN] Journey to Nowhere 2 [] Eagles of the North 3 [] Militia Bugler 4 [ZEN] Kor Skyfisher 3 [JU] Prismatic Strands SB: 1 [JU] Prismatic Strands SB: 2 [CN2] Palace Sentinels SB: 1 [ALA] Relic of Progenitus SB: 1 [] Destroy Evil SB: 2 [IN] Crimson Acolyte SB: 3 [AP] Standard Bearer SB: 3 [DK] Dust to Dust SB: 2 [FUT] Lumithread Field