// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Izzet Control // CREATOR : Kennen_Haas // FORMAT : Standard 4 [KLD] Aether Hub 2 [AKH] Fetid Pools 7 [HOU] Island 5 [HOU] Mountain 4 [KLD] Spirebluff Canal 4 [OGW] Wandering Fumarole 4 [KLD] Torrential Gearhulk 2 [HOU] Abrade 2 [BFZ] Anticipate 3 [AKH] Censor 3 [AER] Disallow 2 [AKH] Essence Scatter 3 [KLD] Glimmer of Genius 4 [KLD] Harnessed Lightning 3 [HOU] Hour of Devastation 2 [AKH] Magma Spray 2 [AER] Negate 2 [AKH] Pull from Tomorrow 1 [OGW] Sweep Away 1 [OGW] Chandra, Flamecaller SB: 1 [AKH] Essence Scatter SB: 2 [AKH] Magma Spray SB: 1 [AER] Negate SB: 4 [AKH] Glorybringer SB: 2 [AER] Release the Gremlins SB: 2 [EMN] Summary Dismissal SB: 3 [SOI] Thing in the Ice