// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Charmed // CREATOR : Joel_Larsson // FORMAT : Standard 4 [ISD] Sulfur Falls 4 [RTR] Steam Vents 4 [GTC] Sacred Foundry 4 [ISD] Clifftop Retreat 2 [AVR] Cavern of Souls 2 [M13] Glacial Fortress 2 [RTR] Hallowed Fountain 1 [RTR] Island 1 [RTR] Plains 4 [GTC] Boros Reckoner 4 [M13] Augur of Bolas 3 [AVR] Restoration Angel 3 [ISD] Snapcaster Mage 4 [GTC] Boros Charm 4 [RTR] Azorius Charm 3 [M13] Searing Spear 3 [RTR] Sphinx's Revelation 2 [RTR] Izzet Charm 2 [AVR] Pillar of Flame 2 [ISD] Blasphemous Act 1 [ISD] Moment of Heroism 1 [M13] Unsummon SB: 1 [AVR] Pillar of Flame SB: 2 [M13] Thundermaw Hellkite SB: 2 [RTR] Supreme Verdict SB: 1 [RTR] Psychic Spiral SB: 2 [M13] Negate SB: 1 [M13] Jace, Memory Adept SB: 4 [ISD] Geist of Saint Traft SB: 2 [M13] Tormod's Crypt