// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Kithkins // CREATOR : Rob_Wilczek // FORMAT : Block 15 [A] Plains 4 [LRW] Wizened Cenn 4 [LRW] Knight of Meadowgrain 4 [MOR] Rustic Clachan 4 [LRW] Windbrisk Heights 4 [LRW] Goldmeadow Stalwart 4 [SHM] Spectral Procession 4 [LRW] Cloudgoat Ranger 4 [LRW] Burrenton Forge-Tender 3 [MOR] Mutavault 3 [SHM] Thistledown Liege 3 [SHM] Mirrorweave 2 [LRW] Goldmeadow Harrier 2 [LRW] Mirror Entity SB: 4 [MM] Last Breath SB: 3 [LRW] Oblivion Ring SB: 3 [LRW] Wispmare SB: 3 [MOR] Reveillark SB: 2 [SHM] Thoughtweft Gambit