netdecking with the stars
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2171 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Dimir Control FranBenitez91 Modern MTGO Challenge 32 1 17/12/24
The One Ring Omnath Control Kurusu Modern MTGO League 1 16/12/24
The One Ring omnath Control SPyromancer Modern MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 14/12/24
The One Ring Omnath Control SPyromancer Modern MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 14/12/24
5c Domain Aggro JoaoCelestini Modern MTGO League 5 13/12/24
Scapeshift Mightymaus Modern Eternal Weekend Europe 2024 - Destination Qualifer @ Prague (Czech Republic) 33-64 08/12/24
The One Ring Jeskai Control Lear_the_cat Modern Store Championship @ Club Portal (?, ?) 1 08/12/24
5c Domain Aggro JoaoCelestini Modern MTGO League 6 06/12/24
5c Domain Aggro manukoka Modern MTGO Challenge 32 9 05/12/24
The One Ring Omnath Control leafbladefighter Modern MTGO League 2 02/12/24
5c Domain Aggro Manukoka Modern Destination Qualifier IV - Campeonato de España @ Spain 5-8 01/12/24
5c Domain Aggro Manukoka Modern Campeonato de España 2024 @ Spain 5-8 30/11/24
The One Ring Omnath Control Alberto Galicia Modern Destination Qualifier I - Campeonato de España @ Spain 3-4 30/11/24
5c Valakut ginp Modern MTGO Challenge 32 14 28/11/24
4/5c Aggro Valimoth Modern MTGO Challenge 32 13 26/11/24
Elementals ReadySteady Modern MTGO Last Chance 13 26/11/24
5c Domain Aggro Flamel88 Modern MTGO Last Chance 1 26/11/24
5c The One Ring Control ginp Modern MTGO Challenge 32 10 24/11/24
The One Ring Jeskai Alex Campbell Modern Axion Now Gathering Series Invitational @ Axion Now (Birmingham, UK) 3-4 23/11/24
The One Ring Omnath Control AChord4Five Modern MTGO Challenge 64 14 23/11/24
4c Omnath  Ren Ming Jun Modern Ruika Cup MTG Championship @ China 5-8 23/11/24
Grixis Control Asmalsky Modern League @ Fischkrieg (Siegen, Germany) 3-4 22/11/24
4/5c Aggro CobraDeDios Modern MTGO Challenge 32 10 21/11/24
5c Domain Aggro Magic4ever_MTGO Modern MTGO League 7 20/11/24
5c Domain Aggro Okunaga Yuuki Modern 21th Kyushu Shogun Championship @ Fukuoka (Japan) 3-4 17/11/24
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