netdecking with the stars
If you submitted an event this weekend, please read this.
• Event
• Deck
• Player
• Format
• Level Professional
• Decks must contain following cards
Main deck Sideboard
• Period
27 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Amulet Fierce Titan István Dugár Modern Southern Great Plain Cup XI. @ Kecskemét (Hungary) 5-8 24/08/24
Amulet Titan István Dugár Modern Southern Great Plain Cup VII. @ Kecskemét (Hungary) 5-8 13/01/24
Amulet Titan István Dugár Modern Southern Great Plain Cup VI. @ Kecskemét (Hungary) 3-4 04/11/23
Amulet Fierce Titan István Dugár Modern Southern Great Plain Cup V. @ Kecskemét (Hungary) 2 26/08/23
Amulet Fierce Titan István Dugár Modern Southern Great Plain Cup IV @ Kecskemét (Hungary) 5-8 24/06/23
Valakut musasabi Modern MTGO Modern Challenge 7 14/09/20
Valakut musasabi Modern MTGO Modern Challenge 7 07/09/20
Selesnya Value Fulgence Modern MTGO Modern League 6 04/09/20
Valakut Zar0s Modern MTGO Modern League 6 01/09/20
Valakut Capriccioso Modern MTGO Modern Preliminary 5 28/08/20
Vannipodless Raphael Prais Modern 26º Mhysteria Modern @ Portal TCG 5 14/03/20
Genesis Wave Guillermo Pastor Modern Ateneo Warning Team Arena 8 22/09/19
Creatures Toolbox Philipp Matlaschek Modern Monthly Modern March @ XiXa - Games Salzburg 2 09/03/19
Vannifar Pod Arthur Bisbocci Modern 4º Mhysteria Team Unif. Modern @ Cards of Paradise 4 16/02/19
Vannifar Combo Patrik Lau Modern Modern 1k @ house of cards mtg 3-4 02/02/19
Vannifar Pod Michael Villalpando Modern Team Modern @ Jay's CD & Hobby @ West Des Moines 1 02/02/19
Vannifar Toolbox Zxrogue Modern MTGO Competitive Modern League 6 25/01/19
Mono Green Devotion Tsukanishi Toshiyuki Modern Monthly Modern Masters 4 26/02/17
Chord Toolbox Justodeangelo Modern MTGO Competitive Modern Constructed League 5 03/01/17
Chord Toolbox yasu02 Modern MTGO Competitive Modern Constructed League 7 15/12/16
Genesis Wave André Ferronato Modern Wild West Circuit 2016 - 06 5-8 04/12/16
Devotion to Green Fulgence Modern MTGO Competitive Modern Constructed League 5 17/11/16
Genesis Wave Hluca Modern MTGO Competitive Modern Constructed League 1 28/09/16
Genesis Wave eheh_dude Modern MTGO Competitive Modern Constructed League 9 19/09/16
Chord Toolbox AlexanderRosdahl Modern MTGO Competitive Modern Constructed League 5 06/08/16
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