netdecking with the stars
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1155 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Collected Bant Fordhorde Pioneer Royale 123 3-4 15/07/22
Bant Aggro Fordhorde Pioneer Royale 9.08 3-4 15/04/22
Bant Company Fordhorde Pioneer Royale 8.06 2 08/02/22
Bant Aggro Fordhorde Pioneer Royale 7.07 1 23/11/21
Bant Aggro Fordhorde Pioneer Royale 7.05 3-4 09/11/21
Karlov Aggro Alexander Schmoll Duel Commander Hiveworld Cologne FNM 2 12/01/18
UWx Midrange Ikeda Ryota Modern Monthly Modern Masters - Vol.15 3-4 17/06/17
Kytheon Warwick Steiff Duel Commander Duel Commander SLZ GAMES SEASON 4 1 23/04/17
Thalia, Guardian Of Thraben Oleg Lyalin Duel Commander Krasnodar Winter League 2017 5-8 14/03/17
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Bei Clementi Duel Commander Prima Tappa Lega Eternal @Dal Tenda Perugia 2 09/03/17
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Maikon Marques Duel Commander Liga DC Comando Games 2 17/12/16
Kytheon, Hero of Akros Robin Taghvaei Duel Commander Palaiseau Octobre [30 HP] 3-4 02/10/16
Selesnya Aggro Yoshii Takumi Modern Modern Cup @ Tournament Center (Japan) 1 14/08/16
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Garret Grifka Duel Commander Duel Commander FNM - The Collector's Zone 3-4 01/07/16
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Sergey Sklyarenko Duel Commander Commander League - 2 Citadel - Volgograd 3-4 15/05/16
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Eduardo Takehana Duel Commander Duel Commander Semanal - 28/04 - Academia de Jogos 2 28/04/16
Esper Midrange dpbl Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 7 08/04/16
Abzan Midrange rockdrigo Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 1 08/04/16
Abzan Midrange Canada83 Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 6 08/04/16
Abzan Midrange IceCreamWizard Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 6 07/04/16
Abzan Midrange transregulator Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 3 07/04/16
Esper Midrange dpbl Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 8 06/04/16
Abzan Midrange csalles Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 3 05/04/16
Bant Aggro longfoe Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 4 05/04/16
Abzan Midrange 8Whatismagic8 Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 7 03/04/16
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