netdecking with the stars
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39 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Urabrask Ric Dela Pas cEDH $100 Multi EDH @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 4 07/07/24
Urabrask Nicola Improta Duel Commander 2° Tappa Lega Duel Commander @ Campania (Italy) 1 08/08/23
Birgi, God of Storytelling Kanayama Haruki cEDH The 5th God of Commander @ TC (Tokyo, Japan) 9-16 12/07/23
Birgi, God Of Storytelling Jonas Kretzschmar Duel Commander 1st Brew-League @ Leipzig (Germany) 2 07/06/21
Alesha Combo Bombardement Nathalie Vieh Duel Commander AmicaleRolistesRetraités #11 @ Carnac 3-4 28/10/18
Daretti's Machinations Matthew Balanda MTGO Commander Liga Commander Imperial @ElderDragon (Petrópolis, Brazil) 1 09/02/18
Rakdos Réa GalacticPresident Peasant Online - single elimination 1 30/11/17
Daretti's Machinations Matthew Balanda MTGO Commander MTGO Commander FNM @ Elder Dragon (Petrópolis-Brasil) CLM 10 Torneio 2 1 06/10/17
Daretti, Scrap Savant Matthew Balanda MTGO Commander MTGO Commander FNM @ Elder Dragon (Petrópolis-Brasil) 1 21/07/17
Daretti, Scrap Savant Matthew Balanda MTGO Commander MTGO Commander FNM @ Elder Dragon (Petrópolis-Brasil) 1 14/07/17
Daretti, Scrap Savant Rogério Leal Rogério Leal MTGO Commander MTGO Commander FNM @ Elder Dragon (Petrópolis-Brasil) 1 09/06/17
Chandra Victor-manuel Ribeiro Duel Commander Les Arpenteurs de Palaiseau Mai 5-8 14/05/17
Zurgo Bellstriker Rex Betita Duel Commander Ka Saturnament: Magic for a Cause (Quezon City, Philippines) 7 05/03/17
Big Red James "Cage" Stevenson Canadian Highlander Canadian Highlander Weekly 2 23/05/16
Daretti, Scrap Savant Fernando Secco Duel Commander 8th Commander 1x1 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 1 28/03/15
Daretti, Scrap Savant Fernando Secco Duel Commander 7th Commander 1x1 Bob's (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 1 28/11/14
Kaalia of the Vast Troy Clarke Duel Commander Commander @ Anime Spot (Barbados) 1 06/08/14
Krenko, Mob Boss Juan Litan Duel Commander Manila Duel Commander July 2014 (Quezon City, Philippines) 3-4 27/07/14
Boros Aggro Sologo_cn Standard MTGO Standard Daily (#7218209) 8 19/06/14
Boros Aggro mase7645 Standard MTGO Standard Daily (#7167171) 1 10/06/14
Boros Aggro TanTris80 Standard MTGO Standard Daily (#7167095) 7 07/06/14
Boros Aggro James Tennant Standard Open - Indianapolis 3 31/05/14
Boros Burn Ludovic Casiez Standard All Stars 2014 - Normandy 5-8 18/05/14
Boros Aggro CheeseTomato Standard MTGO Standard Daily (#7095553) 3 18/05/14
Boros Aggro Steven Watkins Standard States/Champs Nevada 6 17/05/14
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