netdecking with the stars
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42 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Tokens Boros François Péchard Modern FNM les Kartonnes @ La Teste de Buch (France) 1 02/08/24
Saffi Combo Dawei,gu Duel Commander Lachesis Cup @ Nice Club (Wuxi, China) 1 29/10/23
Orzhov Aggro Canroser Standard Bo1 Cup 1 @ Triple HCL 5-8 28/09/23
Saffi Eriksdotter Dawei,gu Duel Commander Lachesis Cup @ Nice Club (Wuxi,China) 2 23/09/23
Saffi Come Back Frederic Bellon Duel Commander Regional DC split 2 tournoi 2 @ Ile de la Réunion 9 17/09/23
Kotori, Pilot Prodigy Iori Zugaikotsu Duel Commander Holiday Duelan @ Monarch Games and Hobbies (Philippines) 4 28/08/23
Saffi Eriksdotter Dawei,gu Duel Commander Planes Walk Cup @ TheButchersHook (Suzhou, China) 4 27/08/23
Kotori, Pilot Prodigy Iori Zugaikotsu Duel Commander Saturday Night Duelan @ Monarch Games and Hobbies (Philippines) 4 26/08/23
Kotori, Pilot Prodigy Iori Zugaikotsu Duel Commander Surprise Ragavan tourney @ Aling Marings Dojo (Rizal, Philippines) 1 20/08/23
Saffi Eriksdotter Dawei,gu Duel Commander Lachesis Cup @ Nice Club (Wuxi,China) 1 18/08/23
Gimli, Mournful Avenger Satou Hikaru cEDH Event @ Hareruya (Japan) Other 31/07/23
Rakdos Aggro Ric Ant Standard FNM @ Golden Store Talenti (Rome,Italy) 4 19/05/23
Saffi Eriksdotter Dawei,gu Duel Commander Lachesis Cup @ Nice Club (Wuxi, China) 3-4 09/04/23
Vat of Rebirth Dnmpinhead Standard Torneio BlackManaMtg da Madrugada 35 @ matcherino 1 04/04/23
Vat of Rebirth Dnmpinhead Standard Torneio BlackManaMtg da Madrugada 30 @ matcherino 5-8 29/03/23
Vat of Rebirth Dnmpinhead Standard Torneio BlackManaMtg da Madrugada 27 @ matcherino 5-8 23/03/23
Kotori, Pilot Prodigy Iori Zugaikotsu Duel Commander Weekly Iori tourney @ Aling Marings Dojo (Philippines) 1 12/03/23
Kotori, Pilot Prodigy Iori Zugaikotsu Duel Commander Mortalan Kombatan @ Monarch Games (Marikina City, Philippines) 5 11/03/23
Azorius Vehicles Martinezmtg Pioneer Royale 190 1 07/03/23
Kotori, Pilot Prodigy Orlando Bibiano Duel Commander TNDC "World Rare Disease Day" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brasil) 3 28/02/23
Kotori, Pilot Prodigy Iori "the Mayor" Zugaikotsu Duel Commander Iori Weekly Tourney @ Aling Marings Dojo (Philippines) 3-4 26/02/23
Kotori Orlando Bibiano Duel Commander TNDC "Int. Mother Tongue Day" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brasil) 2 21/02/23
Boros Yoshimaru Earl Caymo Duel Commander TG's Duel for Taiga @ Monarch Games (Marikina City, Philippines) 7 18/02/23
Yoshimaru/jeska Earl Caymo Duel Commander Unbox Wednesday DC @ Unbox (Greenhills, Philippines) 2 08/02/23
Kotori, Pilot Prodigy Iori Zugaikotsu Duel Commander Duelan sa TG Pod 2 @ Tapped Games (Marikina City, Philippines) 2 27/01/23
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