netdecking with the stars
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28 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Yawgmoth, Thran Physician Steven Leroux Duel Commander Geek Factory "Clue Normand" 1 @ Touques (France) 2 30/11/24
Bg Sacriifice Piotr Lipowiecki Pioneer Paprykarz Open Pioneer @ PAn Mysza (Warszawa, Poland) 3-4 10/09/23
Yawgmoth, Thran Physician Kondou Hitosato cEDH Daily Tournaments @ Hareruya (Japan) Other 17/07/23
Yawgmoth, Thran Physician Tomioka Shota cEDH Commander Championship @ Hareruya (Japan) 3-4 21/03/22
Yawgmoth, Thran Physician Baptiste "batsumi" Hilmann Duel Commander Les Chroniques du Commander DC @ Cockatrice 4 09/01/21
Golgari Company Aggro Baymax Pioneer MTGO Pioneer League 14 30/03/20
Golgari Aggro Baymax Pioneer MTGO Pioneer League 6 26/03/20
Yawgmoth, Thran Physician Petr Murygin Duel Commander After Biblioteka tournament @ Volgo Games 1 02/02/20
Yaugzebul Justo Chacon Duel Commander EDH de Noël Gobl'Ain @ Ambérieu-en-Bugey (France) 2 15/12/19
Esper-god-pharaoh's Gift Myoujyou0525 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 2 23/12/17
Wellspring Mardu Strepsil Peasant Online - single elimination @ Cockatrice 1 04/11/17
Golgari Aggro mtgSage Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 2 24/07/17
GB eli12 Limited MTGO Sealed KLD Block PTQ 1 06/03/17
RB drVendigo Limited MTGO Sealed KLD Block PTQ 2 09/01/17
WB romanmy Limited MTGO Sealed KLD Block MOCS 5 31/12/16
GB Sahakvic Limited MTGO Sealed KLD Block MOCS 1 31/12/16
BU Gernardi Limited MTGO Sealed KLD Block PTQ 3-4 26/12/16
RB Andor2 Limited MTGO Sealed KLD Block PTQ 5-8 26/12/16
Wb TheBestEver Limited MTGO Sealed KLD Block MOCS 4 19/12/16
RB MEHTOC Limited MTGO Sealed KLD Block MOCS 6 12/12/16
WBr kajmog Limited MTGO Sealed KLD Block Judge Open 2 13/11/16
BW everworld Limited MTGO Sealed KLD Block Judge Open 8 13/11/16
GB _Ditlev_ Limited MTGO Sealed KLD Block Champs 6 06/11/16
Br pikuminxx Limited MTGO Sealed KLD Block Champs 1 06/11/16
WB AllmenmustdieX Limited MTGO Sealed KLD Block Champs 3 06/11/16
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