netdecking with the stars
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242 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Gruul Stompy Ian Carrico Standard RPTQ @ Game Cafe (Independence, MO) 5-8 26/08/18
Pummeler chr_harrell Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 2 16/08/18
Gruul Aggro Glenn Muijen Standard Grand Prix Brussels 2018 14 12/08/18
Gruul Aggro solid_ovi Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 3 25/06/18
R/g Dino Luciano Belato Standard PPTQ @TOCA DO URSO @ ARAPONGAS - PR 5-8 17/06/18
Rg Monsters Glenn Muijen Standard PPTQ Atlanta @ GameForce (Eindhoven) 5-8 11/06/18
R/g Monsters Jonathan Perigo Standard PPTQ Atlanta @ Krypton Comics 1 26/05/18
Gruul Monsters Jonathan Perigo Standard PPTQ @ Hobbytown USA (Lincoln, Nebraska) 6 19/05/18
Pummeler Yakes604 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 6 29/03/18
Temur Energy Leandro Basdao Standard PPTQ @ Toca do Urso (Arapongas, Brazil) 1 11/03/18
Rg Monsters Richie Ong Standard PPTQ @ G5 Games Bacolod 3-4 26/02/18
Rg Monsters Glenn Muijen Standard Dutch Open Series Standard 3-4 25/02/18
Rg Aggro Carlos Errerias Standard PPTQ @ CHQ Cards 2 24/02/18
Rg Aggro Carlos Errerias Standard PPTQ Minnesota @ CHQ Cards (São Paulo, Brazil) 2 24/02/18
Rg Monsters Glenn Muijen Standard PPTQ Minneapolis @ GameForce (Eindhoven) 3-4 18/02/18
Temur Energy Adam Gutaiar Standard Standard PPTQ @ Family Game Store, Savage MD 5-8 11/02/18
Rg Monsters Glenn Muijen Standard Standard Monthly @ GameForce (Eindhoven) 1 04/02/18
Gruul Aggro victorseiya Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 3 03/02/18
Gruul Aggro AlfredoTorres Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 2 02/02/18
Temur Energy Kyle Saugier Standard PPTQ @ Collector's Cache (Lenexa, KS) 6 28/01/18
G/r Monsters Qbturtle15 Standard Standard MOCS #11131701 9-16 27/01/18
Gruul Aggro Anthony Lee Standard Australia Day Advanced Event 1 26/01/18
Gruul Aggro MountainMaster13 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 5 24/01/18
Temur Energy William Ho Standard SCG - Team Constructed Open - Dallas 5-8 21/01/18
Pummeler Ins0mn1q Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 4 11/01/18
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