netdecking with the stars
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62 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Sefris of the Hidden Ways Antonio Ibáñez cEDH cEDH - Edh 10 Aniversario 9-16 04/08/24
Azami, Lady of Scrolls Jake Urban cEDH cEDH Showdown II: In The Lion's Eye @ gamesIRL (Avon, CT) 5-8 23/06/24
Wizards Maximilian Schutter Legacy Monthly @ Zum Waschbären (Ulm, Germany) 8 07/04/24
Kadena, Slinking Sorcerer None cEDH Weekend Commander @ TC (Tokyo, Japan) 5 05/03/24
UB Landstill Door Premodern SPb Lampovy Event 3-4 30/01/24
UB Landstill Door Premodern SPb Lampovy Event 3-4 16/01/24
Rakdos Scam William Bamann Modern RCQ @ CCGHouse (Vancouver, WA) 1 04/11/23
Derevi, Empyrial Tactician Lim Meng Whie Andrew cEDH EDH Tambayan Online League @ Online 5-8 24/07/23
Wizards Omar Nieto Vintage Catalan League @ Icarus Jocs (Malgrat de Mar) 3-4 17/06/23
Azami, Lady of Scrolls Maruoka Natsumi cEDH cEDH @ Hareruya (Japan) 4 03/07/21
Azami, Lady Of Scrolls Yaugzebul (romain Testaert) Duel Commander Trial ZAP @ Asian Gate (Blois, France) 2 05/01/20
Tesuko Umezawa Jan Michael Pecaoco Duel Commander Year-Starter Special @ Roll Play Game Lounge (Mandaluyong, Philippines) 5-8 04/01/20
Merieke Ri Berit Ron Nel Duel Commander Saturday Dunkin Donut Duel 3D @ Eastwood (Philippines) 2 07/12/19
4c Wizards Stuart Grinch Legacy Geek Fortress 1k @ Snohomish, WA 5-8 02/02/19
Mono U Devotion Julien Archambault Modern Face to Face Open @ Quebec City 2 04/08/18
Naban, Dean Of Iteration Danziir Duel Commander DCM Double Elim 01 2 09/06/18
Azami, Lady of Scrolls theyux MTGO Commander MTGO Competitive Commander League 9 27/05/18
Azami, Lady of Scrolls theyux MTGO Commander MTGO Competitive Commander League 4 06/05/18
Wizards Omar Nieto Vintage LCV February 2018 6 24/02/18
Collected Bant RIWBTU Modern MTGO Competitive Modern Constructed League 4 07/11/16
Thassa, God of the Sea Johan Archinard Duel Commander Trial S&T [20 HP] 5-8 16/10/16
Azami, Lady of Scrolls Vladimir Chutchev Duel Commander I-st Online DC League ( 3-4 20/06/16
Azami, Lady of Scrolls Franck Da Silva Duel Commander Duel Commander @l'Ancestral (Le Mans) 3 08/05/16
Azami, Lady of Scrolls Daniel Rodriguez Duel Commander Clash of Commander Titans 4 (9T, Temuco, Chile) 2 20/03/16
Azami, Lady of Scrolls Simonpietro Speziale Duel Commander Commandergeddon #3 (Milano, Italy) 2 20/03/16
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