netdecking with the stars
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94 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Najeela, the Blade-Blossom Franco Lombroni cEDH -150 Budget Commander CBA @ Dreamlords (Cordoba, Argentina) 8 05/10/24
The Ur-Dragon Terrance J Walker Ii cEDH CLASH 3k cEDH with Misty Mountain Gaming @ GalaxyCon (Raleigh, NC) 5-8 27/07/24
Bruenor Battlehammer Takahashi Makoto cEDH Event @ Hareruya (Japan) 1 09/01/23
Golos, Tireless Pilgrim Marcelo Augusto Duel Commander [RC] 1a Copa Real Commander @ Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) 2 30/07/22
General Ferrous Rokiric Henrique Langa Duel Commander Edhcwb DC @ Brazil 3 28/08/21
Narset Marcos Garrinha MTGO Commander Comandantes do Litoral 5-8 15/11/17
Prossh, Skyraider Of Kher Juan Pedro Vieira Dos Anjos Soares MTGO Commander MTGO Commander FNM @ Elder Dragon (Petrópolis-Brasil) 2 23/06/17
Prossh, Skyraider of Kher Jonathan Bohn Duel Commander Duel Commander FNM - The Collector's Zone 8 12/08/16
Kaalia of the Vast Simon Gradaive Duel Commander Win an Arsenal Box (Libourne) 5-8 22/06/14
Kaalia of the Vast Samuel Pallotta Duel Commander Duel Commander League - Nueve Titanes (Temuco, Chile) 2 23/03/14
Kaalia of the Vast Samuel Pallotta Duel Commander Duel Commander League - Nueve Titanes (Temuco, Chile) 1 09/03/14
Scion - Reanimator Juan Carlos Gutierrez – Team Oh No! Duel Commander Manila Duel Commander September 2013 (Quezon City, Philippines) 5-8 08/09/13
Sismic Assault Moren Horet Modern TLA - 2012 - Modern - Torneo 1 3 13/10/12
Seismic Balaviaris Modern Magic-League Modern Trial 29/09/2011 3 29/09/11
Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund Thomas Leriche Duel Commander EDH (Rouen) 6 28/08/11
Grixis Control Juha Ihonen Highlander Finnish Nationals 2011 1 15/05/11
Cruel Control Shawn Meyer Extended PTQ Nagoya (Boise, Idaho) 5-8 02/04/11
Cruel Control Axel Lenain Extended PTQ Nagoya (Paris, France) 3-4 02/04/11
Cruel Control Mark Conkle Extended PTQ Nagoya (Des Moines, Iowa) 5-8 26/03/11
Cruel Control Marshall Sakaguchi Extended PTQ Nagoya (Honolulu, Hawaii) 1 26/03/11
Cruel Control Zack Hall Extended PTQ Nagoya (Providence, Rhode Island) 2 19/03/11
Cruel Control Shawn Meyer Extended PTQ Nagoya (South Jordan, Utah) 3-4 12/03/11
Cruel Control David Gleicher Extended PTQ Nagoya (Madison, Wisconsin) 3-4 05/03/11
Cruel Control Zach Baxter Extended PTQ Nagoya (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) 5-8 26/02/11
Cruel Control Yliajo Extended PTQ Nagoya (MTGO, #/2086019) 2 20/02/11
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