netdecking with the stars
If you submitted an event this weekend, please read this.
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32 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Macey Rock Grant Struck Extended Grand Prix Seattle 2005 5-8 06/03/05
Cephalid Life Shuhei Nakamura Extended Grand Prix Seattle 2005 3-4 06/03/05
Rock Ernie Marchesano Extended Grand Prix Seattle 2005 1 06/03/05
Welder Reanimator Keith McLaughlin Extended Grand Prix Boston 2005 3-4 06/02/05
Life Anthony Impellizzieri Extended Grand Prix Boston 2005 5-8 06/02/05
Cephalid Breakfast Lucas Glavin Extended Grand Prix Boston 2005 2 06/02/05
Aluren Masashi Oiso Extended Grand Prix Boston 2005 1 06/02/05
Reanimator Gadiel Szleifer Extended Pro Tour Columbus 2004 5-8 31/10/04
Black Desire Masashi Oiso Extended Pro Tour Columbus 2004 5-8 31/10/04
Mana Severance/Charbelcher Yann Hamon Extended Pro Tour New Orleans 2003 3-4 02/11/03
Mana Severance/Charbelcher Nicolas Labarre Extended Pro Tour New Orleans 2003 5-8 02/11/03
Angry Hermit Kamiel Cornelissen Extended Worlds 2003 (Berlin) - Extended Other 10/08/03
Benzo Alex Shvartsman Extended Worlds 2003 (Berlin) - Extended Day 1 undefeated 10/08/03
Aluren Kang Jisang Extended Grand Prix Hiroshima 2003 3-4 26/01/03
Tottori-Sakyu Reanimate Tabuchi Atsushi Extended Grand Prix Hiroshima 2003 5-8 26/01/03
Angry Hermit Part Two Carl Lobato Extended Grand Prix New Orleans 2003 5-8 04/01/03
Angry Ghoul Bob Maher Jr Extended Pro Tour Houston 2002 5-8 10/11/02
The Rock Jeroen Remie Extended Pro Tour Houston 2002 5-8 10/11/02
Mono Black Reanimator Rob Dougherty Extended Pro Tour Houston 2002 2 10/11/02
The Rock Darwin Kastle Extended Pro Tour Houston 2002 3-4 10/11/02
U/B Reanimator John Larkin Extended Pro Tour Houston 2002 3-4 10/11/02
Wild Zombies Rob Dougherty Extended Grand Prix Las Vegas 2001 5-8 09/12/01
The Rock and his Millions Michael Pustilnik Extended Grand Prix Las Vegas 2001 1 09/12/01
The Rock and his Millions Sean Fitzgerald Extended Grand Prix Las Vegas 2001 3-4 09/12/01
Mono Black Reanimator Darwin Kastle Extended Pro Tour New Orleans 2001 5-8 04/11/01
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