netdecking with the stars
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37 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Svelte Patate Ph Duel Commander Monthly Decembre @ Manafull (Caen, France) 3-4 15/12/24
Tymna + Kodama of the East Tree Jay Silvester cEDH cEDH Event - Urzas Saga Promo @ Recollect (Chester, UK) 1 14/12/24
Tymna + Kodama of the East Tree Josh Young cEDH cEDH Event - Urzas Saga Promo @ Recollect (Chester, UK) 5-8 14/12/24
Rocco, Cabaretti Caterer Ian Losch cEDH December cEDH Showdown @ Better Plays Gaming (Stow, OH) 1 14/12/24
Light-paws, Emperor's Voice Ian Vásquez Duel Commander DC Christmas Tournament @ Lima (Peru) 5-8 08/12/24
Rocco, Street Chef Tomás Montero cEDH Portal Navideño - Torneo Dicespell - Commander Budget 150 Usd @ Santiago (Chile) 3-4 07/12/24
Phlage, Titan Of Fire's Fury Happy Nacionales Duel Commander Battle for Badlands @ CardPro Hobby Shop (Philippines) 3-4 30/11/24
Sythis, Harvest's Hand Consalvi Mathieu Duel Commander Last Chance Champ DC @ Ile de la Réunion 3-4 24/11/24
Light-paws, Emperor's Voice Jiri Patocka Duel Commander #8 Hradubice @ UNTAP (Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic) 5-8 23/11/24
Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice GuiBonella Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander League 3 20/11/24
Rocco, Cabaretti Caterer Luca Fioccola cEDH cEDH Prime @ Enter The Battlefield (Oakville, Canada) 9-16 17/11/24
Tymna + Kodama of the East Tree Jay Silvester cEDH cEDH SideEvent: Fight for Cradle @ Mercadia Games (Lisbon, Portugal) 17-32 17/11/24
Rocco, Cabaretti Caterer Hunter Boyd cEDH cEDH Charity 1K @ Colorado Card Conquest (Denver, CO) 5-8 16/11/24
Tymna + Kodama of the East Tree Jay Silvester cEDH cEDH European Championship - @ Lisbon (Portugal) 33-64 16/11/24
Phlage, Titan Of Fire's Fury Fellt Duel Commander DC - Mulligan Festiludik @ Rochefort (France) 2 16/11/24
The Master of Keys Terrence Vinson cEDH MBG Tabernacle Event @ Post 1136 VFW Hall (Wyandotte, MI) 9-16 16/11/24
Rocco, Cabaretti Caterer Ian Losch cEDH The Boil 2 - cEDH 10k @ Charlie's Collectible Show (Stone Mountain, GA) 5-8 09/11/24
Captain Sisay Ign?ciØ CØ?t£s H cEDH Torneo cEDH - Landfall TV @ La Catacumba ( Santiago, Chile) 5-8 09/11/24
The Ur-dragon Yahya Duel Commander Draw7 - Open Series 13 @ Thailand 5 26/10/24
Phlage, Titan of Fire's Fury Feldmajer Duel Commander Žilinský commander @ Dobrá víla (Žilina, Slovakia) 5-8 26/10/24
Phlage, Titan Of Fire's Fury Happy Nacionales Duel Commander DC Battle for Tundra @ Mox and Lotus (Philippines) 5-8 20/10/24
Phlagus Le Flashus Garry Mayenda Duel Commander DC Win a box @ Albi (France) 5-8 20/10/24
Light-paws, Emperor's Voice Pierre-henri François Duel Commander Manafull Monthly @ Manafull (Caen, France) 1 20/10/24
Emiel the Blessed Raul Suárez Boi cEDH Cedh Galicia Octubre @ Galicia (Spain) 3-4 19/10/24
Phlage Happy Nacionales Duel Commander Wednesday Night Duel @ Monarch Games and Hobbies (Philippines) 3-4 16/10/24
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