netdecking with the stars
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34 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Obyra, Dreaming Duelist Fred Jarlaud Duel Commander DC @ Le Conseil Des Licornes (Bourges, France) 3-4 07/04/24
Leovold, Emissary Of Trest Nelson Ancião Duel Commander Regular DC @ Recife (Brasil) 3-4 04/07/23
Leovold, Emissary Of Trest Nelson Ancião Duel Commander Duel @ Geek Shop (Recife, Brasil) 1 27/06/23
Niv-mizzet Reborn Cédric Collin Duel Commander Open DC @ La Boite-Monde (Évreux, France) 1 06/05/23
Tevesh + Malcolm Giovanni Ianuzzi Duel Commander I A Torre de Comando's Duel @ São Paulo (Brazil) 5-8 18/09/21
Ub Tempo Taylor Shiells Duel Commander Time Vault Weekly Duel Commander 2 08/11/17
Rogue Squadron Taylor Shiells Duel Commander Time Vault Weekly 2 15/09/17
Vial Kraum Jorge Chunga Duel Commander Liga Duel Commander (Lima Marzo/Abril #6) 2 27/03/17
Vial/kraum Luiz Felipe Zumstein Duel Commander Duel Commander Semanal @ Academia de Jogos 1 24/02/17
Partner Control Fernando Fonseca Duel Commander DC 2k Semestral @ Academia de Jogos (São Paulo, Brazil) 5-8 11/02/17
Vial / Kraum Luiz Felipe Zumnstein Duel Commander DC 3k - Final Ligamagic (São Paulo, Brazil) 5-8 06/02/17
Partner Control Sergey "volga" Efimov Duel Commander Liga Generalov Zimi(Moscow, Russia) 3-4 05/02/17
Partner Control Brunno "NN" Portella Duel Commander Spellbox Liga Commander - Season 10 Semanal 3-4 16/01/17
Vial Smasher/Kraum Lukas Dechant Duel Commander Duel In The Castle (Paderborn, Germany) 2 08/01/17
Vial Smasher Karum Anthony "Big" Darras Duel Commander Tournoi d'hiver (FJEP Saint-Venant) 1 30/12/16
Leovold, Emissary of Trest Victor Auilo Haikal Duel Commander Duel Commander Semanal - Academia de jogos (São Paulo, Brazil) 5-8 01/12/16
Vial Smasher / Kraum Brunno "NN" Portella Duel Commander Spellbox Liga Commander - Season 5 1 28/11/16
Wydwen, the Biting Gale Guilherme "Demonic Tutor" Machado Duel Commander Duel Commander Semanal - Academia de jogos (São Paulo, Brazil) 1 24/11/16
Wydwen, the Biting Gale Ghuilherme "Demonic Tutor" Machadi Duel Commander Duel Commander Mensal @ Academia de Jogos (São Paulo, Brazil) 3-4 17/11/16
Sygg, River Cutthroat Shabalov Michail Duel Commander SPb League of Real Generals 1.0 7 16/11/16
Wydwen, the Biting Gale Guilherme "Demonic Tutor" Machado Duel Commander Duel Commander Semanal - Academia de jogos (São Paulo, Brazil) 2 10/11/16
Wydwen, the Biting Gale Guilherme "Demonic Tutor" Machado Duel Commander Duel Commander Semanal - Academia de jogos (São Paulo, Brazil) [20 HP] 1 03/11/16
Wydwen, the Biting Gale Guilherme "Demonic Tutor" Machado Duel Commander Duel Commander Semanal - Academia de jogos (São Paulo, Brazil) 2 27/10/16
Wydwen, the Biting Gale Guilherme "Demonic Tutor" Machado Duel Commander Duel Commander Semanal - Academia de Jogos (São Paulo, Brazil) [20HP] 2 06/10/16
Tasigur, the Golden Fang Felix Tremblay Duel Commander Duel Commander - Aux 2 Légendes (Chicoutimi, Canada) 1 23/01/16
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