netdecking with the stars
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38 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Arwen, Mortal Queen Jun Caballero Duel Commander Duel Commander @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 4 07/12/24
Malcom, Alluring Scoundrel Kerween Gil Duel Commander Battle for Underground Sea @ High Market Online (Quezon City, Philippines) 1 28/04/24
Wilson, Refined Grizzly - Blue Jose Juarez Duel Commander Mashup DC League Peru @ Lima (Peru) 5-8 24/03/24
Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel Kerween Gil Duel Commander Year-Ender @ Mana Underground (Lagro, Philippines ) 8 23/12/23
Wilson + blue Dawei,gu Duel Commander Lachesis Cup @ Nice Club (Wuxi, China) 1 15/07/23
Zirda, the Dawnwaker Weaka Duel Commander Commander Cup @ Usine à jeux (Bayonne, France) 2 24/06/23
Wilson + Blue Duel Commander Lachesis Cup @ Nice Club (Wuxi,China) 1 17/06/23
Wilson, Refined Grizzly+sword Coast Sailor Dawei,gu Duel Commander Lachesis Cup @ Nice Clu (Wuxi, China) 2 27/05/23
Wilson, Refined Grizzly+blue Dawei,gu Duel Commander Lachesis Cup @ Nice Club (Wuxi,China) 2 14/05/23
Bear And Taxes Juancho Fabregas Duel Commander DC Win-A-Box @ Mox and Lotus (Philippinesà 3-4 22/01/23
Wilson+white Juancho Fabregas Duel Commander Win-a-Box @ Mox & Lotus Southgate Mall (Magallanes, Philippines) 3 22/01/23
Svyelun Of Sea And Sky Nurbey "agrian" Cerkezoglu Duel Commander DC REM @ Rouen (France) 5-8 06/11/22
Thalia, Guardian Of Thraben Igor "elfo" Duel Commander [RC] 11º Torneio Manavaibr @ Manavai (Campo Grande/RJ) 3-4 23/07/22
Isamaru, Hound Of Konda Potel Maximilien Duel Commander DC Manafull @ Caen (France) 5-8 05/06/22
Light-paws, Emperor's Voice Nathan Hundley Duel Commander Duel League @ Imperial Comics & Games (Shelby NC) 5-8 02/05/22
Isamaru Igor Da Silva Moncks Valério Duel Commander DuWell Commander @ Cúpula do Trovão (Pelotas, Brasil) 1 25/03/22
Isamaru, Hound Of Konda Ralph Dolteo Duel Commander JP's CEO Circuit @ Baguio City (Philippines) 2 13/03/22
Octavia, Living Thesis Gabriel Mattos Duel Commander 5a Liga Real Commander @ Tower of Cards (Rio de Janeiro) 3-4 05/03/22
Skullbriar, The Walking Grave Elfo Duel Commander Real Commander 4 @ Manavai (Campo Grande/RJ, Brazil) 2 25/02/22
Isamaru Arthur Dutra Duel Commander Weekly Duel Commander @ Caverna do Dragão (Santos, Brazil) 2 15/02/22
Skullbriar Elfo Duel Commander Real Commander 3 @ Manavai (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 3-4 10/02/22
Isamaru Potel Maximilien Duel Commander Manafull Series Commander @ Caen (France) 5-8 06/02/22
Octavia Gabriel Mattos Duel Commander Torneio Real Vanguarda @ Bangu (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 3-4 30/01/22
Isamaru, Hound of Konda Maximilien Potel Duel Commander DC REM @ Le Vizz (Rouen, France) 1 23/01/22
Isamaru, Hound of Konda Alexandre Guittonneau Duel Commander DC REM @ Le Vizz (Rouen, France) 3-4 23/01/22
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