netdecking with the stars
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22 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Sadistic Glee _Moroii Pauper MTGO League 8 16/11/24
Reanimator Juri Bavaresco Pauper Brianza - Pauper Night #11 @ Playtime (Monza, Italy) 2 01/11/23
Golgari Garden Juri Bavaresco Pauper Brianza - Pauper Night #10 @ Playtime (Monza, Italy) 1 25/10/23
Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor Vinicius Thomaz cEDH Mont Weekly - 2x2 Commander500 @ Mont Store (Campinas, Brazil) 5-8 24/08/23
Gix, Yawgmoth Praetor Vini cEDH Mont Weekly - 2x2 Commander500 @ Mont (Campinas, SP, Brazil) 3-4 17/08/23
Mono Black Aggro Juliano Figueiredo Alchemy Event @ nothing but land 3-4 20/05/22
Mono Black Aggro Raiden_0 Pauper Duelos de Honra @ Portugal 5-8 06/05/22
Mono Black Aggro Raiden_0 Pauper Duelos de Honra @ Portugal 5-8 22/04/22
Rats ! Zionslave Pauper Fuguete League 3.09 5-8 21/07/21
Vito, Epine De La Rose Du Crépuscule Alain François Duel Commander Duel commander mensuel @ Sortilèges (Saint Denis, Ile de la Réunion) 4 04/09/20
Yuriko Damien Hayeault Duel Commander Trial ZAP mars (HA) @ Amiens 2 02/03/19
Yuriko Damien Hayeault Duel Commander Trial ZAP fevrier (HA) @ Amiens 2 02/02/19
Yuriko, The Tiger's Shadow Dmitriy "degal" Tretyakov Duel Commander Snow-Covered Cup 2018 @Moscow 3-4 09/12/18
Yuriko, The Tiger's Shadow Linneaus Abellana Duel Commander Roi Birthday Cup @ Mana Underground, Philippines 3 10/11/18
Yuriko, The Tiger's Shadow John Daroen Sahagun Duel Commander Battle 4 Bayou @ Mana Underground (Philippines) 1 14/10/18
Yuriko, The Tiger's Shadow Felix M. Duel Commander [DDL] Duel Lounge @ Darmstadt, Germany 2 20/09/18
Yuriko Thomas "yaga" Brochard-garnier Duel Commander ZAP Septembre @ Palaiseau 1 16/09/18
Yuriko, The Tiger's Shadow Felix M. Duel Commander JK Entertainment Opening Event @ Darmstadt, Germany 1 07/09/18
MBC Devotion Jean Pierre R. Peasant Clermont Ferrand 5 01/04/17
Tokens H¥kon Gundersen Standard Gatecrash Outland Trondheim 6 23/02/13
Zombies Tellah Block MTGO Block Daily (#3642930) 1 02/04/12
Zombies Tellah Block MTGO Block Daily (#3642830) 3 31/03/12
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