netdecking with the stars
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3370 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Dimir Terror carvs Pauper MTGO League 1 17/12/24
Dimir Terror Purgatory_01 Pauper MTGO League 2 16/12/24
Mono Blue Delver ASDFGHJKJHGFDSA Pauper MTGO League 7 16/12/24
Dimir Terror Stefano Perazzolo Pauper IPT Pauperissima - Victory road LP Comense @ Magic Akiba (Mariano Comense, Italy) 2 15/12/24
Izzet Skred Nin Pangilinan Pauper Ludus Gold Rush @ Mandaluyong (Quezon City, Philippines) 3-4 15/12/24
Dimir Terror O_danielakos Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 9 15/12/24
Mono Blue Delver Manny- Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 11 15/12/24
Mono Blue Delver Luminati Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 5-8 15/12/24
Simic Control auzzie51 Standard MTGO Challenge 64 15 15/12/24
Simic Control badgods Standard MTGO Challenge 64 3-4 15/12/24
UR Skred Mafuhsa Pauper MTGO League 6 15/12/24
Mono Blue Delver Luminati Pauper MTGO League 7 15/12/24
Simic Control Del Tempora Gabriele Standard RCQ @ La Rocca di Darsheyalon (Montecatini Terme, Italy) 2 15/12/24
Simic Terror James Brandlein Standard RCQ @ Ye Gamer's Guild (Greenwood, IN) 5-8 15/12/24
Sultai Tempo Francisco Sanchez Standard RCQ @ TiendaMulligan (Málaga, Spain) 2 15/12/24
Sultai Tempo Pedro Aguilar Standard RCQ @ TiendaMulligan (Málaga, Spain) 5-8 15/12/24
Mono Blue Delver Francesco Zaccone Pauper The Original League Savona S2 - 3° tappa @ Mr. Magic (Savona, Italy) 3-4 15/12/24
Simic Control Asdren Alexander B. Standard Arena Championship 7 @ Wizards of the Coast 5-8 14/12/24
Simic Control pizzangry Standard MTGO Challenge 32 12 14/12/24
Dimir Terror AliEnWaRe_ Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 15 14/12/24
Mono Blue Delver discoverN Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 10 14/12/24
Dimir Terror Purgatory_01 Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 5-8 14/12/24
Mono Blue Delver DobleP Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 2 14/12/24
Simic Control pizzangry Standard MTGO Challenge 32 12 14/12/24
Crab Rave Justin Fink Standard RCQ @ d20 Gaming LLC (Eau Claire, WI) 2 14/12/24
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