netdecking with the stars
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51 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Acererak the Archlich Frederic Bellon Duel Commander 1/3 Tournoi Split 1 CR @ Ile de la Réunion 1 25/02/24
Grist Thomas.ld Duel Commander OTD Commander @ Valenciennes (France) 5-8 03/09/22
Tergrid, God Of Fright Augusto Galvão Duel Commander [RC] 6º Torneio Cachu @ Espirito Santo (Brasil) 3 13/05/22
Tevesh + Rograkh Jeremias Garganera Duel Commander Duelan sa TG @ Tapped Games (Marikina City, Philippines) 2 19/03/22
Queen Marchesa Sebastien Gay-le Lamer Duel Commander Mulligan Commander @ Saintes (France) 2 08/08/21
Esior + Ikra Josh Fuentes Duel Commander Sunday DC @ Nook (Marikina City, Philippines) 1 10/01/21
Karlov Chris Sta Maria Duel Commander Duel @ Mana Underground (Quezon City, Philippines) 1 29/12/20
Karlov of the Ghost Council Chris Sta Maria Duel Commander DC @ Mana Underground (Lagro Quezon City, Philippines) 3-4 04/12/20
Isareth Mbg Mike Duel Commander "We cannot go to the ZAP!" @ Saint Ouen de Thouberville 1 22/10/18
Kalitas Giuseppe Martello Duel Commander Duel Commander @ MAg,Napoli,Italy 2 06/10/18
Queen Marchesa Guillaume Duel Commander Trail WTF 3 @ Respawn Game Lamballe 2 14/09/18
Kess, Dissident Mage Nikko Letteri Duel Commander FNM Duel Commander 04 @ Geneva Gaming Goat, IL 1 03/08/18
Kess, Dissident Mage Nikko Letteri Duel Commander FNM Duel Commander @ Gaming Goat Geneva, IL 2 27/07/18
Ob Nixilis, The Fallen Rudyards Duel Commander DCM Double Elim 02 1 02/07/18
Iname, Aspect De La Mort Guillaume Wasselynck Duel Commander Tournoi de Noël - Without top 1+ % (St Nazaire, France) 7 15/12/17
Gitrog Maxime Chausson Duel Commander Duel commander Magic Kemper 1 19/11/17
Gitrog Kaourintin "falaakr" Le Guiban Duel Commander Trial Show and Tell 1 13/08/17
Bruse / Reyhan Pedro Pereira Duel Commander TOP8 CLM9 Commander Jaw Games 1 24/06/17
The Gitrog Monster Vitor Maia Duel Commander CLM Top 8 @ Spellbox 5-8 22/05/17
Suicidal Frog Vitor Sznifer Duel Commander CLM Top 8 @ Spellbox 3-4 22/05/17
Skithiryx, The Infect Dragon Alejandro Peña Duel Commander Liga Duel Commander (Cochabamba, Bolivia) 1 21/05/17
The Gitrog Monster Martial "mars" Moreau Duel Commander DC Chez le Voisin 3rd Edition (Trial DTC) 3-4 09/04/17
Gitrog Laurent Dit "bango" Duel Commander Tournoi JSST à NICE 3-4 26/03/17
Leovold Kevin Duel Commander Tournoi JSST à NICE 3-4 26/03/17
Gitrog Martial Moreau Duel Commander Duel Commander (St Nazaire, France) 5-8 19/03/17
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