netdecking with the stars
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141 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Esper Control Tysen Sample Modern AZMS Qualifier #2 @ Gamer's Guild (North Phoenix, AZ) 5-8 01/03/25
Boros Midrange Oowaki Takahiro Modern 21st Tokaiou Trial @ Tokaiou Outpost (Nagoya, Japan) 2 22/02/25
Jeskai Energy Control Benedikt Hönnige Modern Pyramiden-Cup @ Spiele-Pyramide (Karlsruhe, Germany) 8 15/02/25
Mardu Aggro Hiramatsu Yuta Modern Deluxe Cup @ Hareruya (Japan) 2 25/01/25
Boros Midrange Oowaki Takahiro Modern Deluxe Cup @ Hareruya (Japan) 5-8 19/01/25
Boros Midrange Oowaki Takahiro Modern Deluxe Cup @ Hareruya (Japan) 5-8 18/01/25
Boros Timeless Midrange Luis Soliveres Higuera Modern Destination Qualifier @ JK Entertainment (Frankfurt, Germany) 5-8 11/01/25
Jeskai Control Lightspirit Modern MTGO Challenge 64 15 28/12/24
Jeskai Control Joel Perez Modern RCQ @ Wildcardcyclone (Temple City, CA) 5-8 03/11/24
Jeskai Control Edoardo Colombo Modern RCQ @ Playtime (Merate, Italy) 3-4 03/11/24
Boros Midrange kasiso Modern MTGO League 3 22/10/24
Jeskai Ring Control Tingfeng Wan Modern RCQ @ Card Shop (Santa Clara, CA) 5-8 20/10/24
Boros Midrange Tim Matzke Modern RCQ @ Blue & White Wolves Games (Magdeburg, Germany) 5-8 19/10/24
The One Ring Jeskai Stefano Maccagnani Modern RCQ @ Dragon Series (Rubiera, Italy) 5-8 29/09/24
Jeskai Control Cylk10 Modern RCQ @ Asian Gate (Blois, France) 5-8 29/09/24
The One Ring Control Jeskai Alessio Fedi Modern Monsters League #12 @ Dungeon Street (Pisa, Italy) 5-8 15/09/24
The One Ring Jeskai Leonardo Cacialli Modern Monsters League #12 @ Dungeon Street (Pisa, Italy) 5-8 15/09/24
Jeskai Control Grzegorz Bazgier Modern Destination Qualifier @ Pan Mysza (Warszawa) 5-8 14/09/24
The One Ring Jeskai shown117 Modern MTGO League 5 14/09/24
The One Ring Jeskai Do0mSwitch Modern MTGO Challenge 32 13 13/09/24
The One Ring Jeskai Lavaridge Modern MTGO Challenge 32 5-8 12/09/24
The One Ring Jeskai Mathieu23 Modern MTGO Challenge 64 13 10/09/24
Martyr Life Daniel Sturmer Modern Circuito Wild West #05 @ São Miguel do Oeste (Brazil) 5-8 08/09/24
Jeskai Control Taylor Warren Modern RCQ @ Rook's Games and More (Bozeman, MT) 3-4 08/09/24
The One Ring Jeskai Daniel Huang Modern Super RCQ @ SCG CON Tampa 5-8 08/09/24
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