netdecking with the stars
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22 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph Junior Borges (lair) Duel Commander CLM - 2ª Etapa Duel 500 @ Barão Geek House (Campinas, Brazil) 6 13/09/24
Urabrask Maxime Catala Duel Commander Weekly Duel Commander @ Cartapapa (Montpellier, France) 2 05/09/24
Feldon, Ronom Excavator Rafael Augusto Terentin Duel Commander 500 @ GODS Brazil (Santo Andre, Brazil) 3-4 10/08/24
Urabrask Maxime Catala Duel Commander League DC @ Magic&Games (Montpellier, France) 2 26/06/24
Urabrask Maxime Catala Duel Commander League DC @ Magic&Games (Montpellier, France) 2 29/05/24
Eris, Roar Of The Storm Tianyi Sun Duel Commander Weekly @ Toybox Club (ShenZhen, China) 1 18/05/24
Urabrask Et Géographie Nathan Leinot Duel Commander Larzac Legend League @ Saint-Affrique (Aveyron, France) 3-4 07/01/24
Urabrask Huss Thibaut Duel Commander LTC#6 Sunday @ Ohlungen (France) 5-8 15/10/23
Urabrask Adrien Houssard Duel Commander Magic a Brac @ Maitre Renard (Lattes, France) 3-4 30/09/23
Urabrask Adrien Houssard Duel Commander Larzac Legend League @ St Affrique (France) 5-8 24/09/23
Urabrask Adrien Houssard Duel Commander Fact 7 - Sunday Event @ Lyon (France) 16 17/09/23
Urabrask Maxime Catala Duel Commander Magic&Games Invitational #1 @ Montpellier (France) 5-8 14/07/23
The Balrog, Durin's Bane Ian Roa Duel Commander Holiday Duelan @ Tapped Games and Hobbies (Philippines) 3-4 28/06/23
Urabrask Adrien Houssard Duel Commander CR Languedoc Roussillon @ Montpellier (France) 5-8 30/04/23
Magda, Brazen Outlaw Luiz Ricardo Duel Commander 1K @ Epic Level (São José do Rio Preto, Brazil) 5-8 25/02/23
Feather, The Redeemed Ian Paul Roa Duel Commander Duel East League Leg 3 @ Tapped Games (Marikina City, Philippines) 3-4 05/11/22
The Ur-dragon Martin Ikemura Duel Commander DC Circuit Season1 Trial3 @ Dragon's Lair (Maceda, Philippines) 3-4 17/07/22
Urabrask, Heretic Praetor Kyle Guerrero Duel Commander FC DC @ Fulcrum Esports hub (Cainta Rizal, Philippines) 1 22/05/22
Jori En Estan Duel Commander Real Commander 3 @ Manavai (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 2 10/02/22
Tajic, Legion's Edge Michel Xisto Duel Commander 4a Liga Real Commander @ Manavai (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 3-4 05/02/22
Kari Zev Damien Godet Duel Commander AmicaleRolistesRetraités #11 @ Carnac 1 28/10/18
Tuktuk the Explorer Vojta Kotek Duel Commander Init Duel Commander (Prague) 1 30/09/17
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