netdecking with the stars
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2399 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Esper Control almana3 Legacy MTGO League 6 17/12/24
Breach XantosCell Modern MTGO Challenge 32 5-8 16/12/24
Doomsday PCW21 Legacy MTGO League 2 16/12/24
Dimir Tempo easymoneymarksman Legacy MTGO League 4 16/12/24
Esper Control jetlag Legacy MTGO League 5 16/12/24
Dimir Tempo Corg10 Legacy 4° Tappa Tigullio League by Krypta Legacy @ Bocciofila Chiavarese (Italy) 1 15/12/24
Glarb, Gitrog's Sideckick Alexandre "fizban" Casagrande Duel Commander DC @ Games Bearer (Brive la Gaillarde, France) 1 15/12/24
Glarb Combo/control Tremblay Pierre Duel Commander DC @ Games Bearer (Brive la Gaillarde, France) 5-8 15/12/24
Ezio Auditore Francesco Cippone Duel Commander Grand Prix Duel Commander @ Via Genova (Carpi, Italy) 2 15/12/24
Atraxa, Grand Unifier Angelo Dametto Duel Commander Grand Prix Duel Commander @ Via Genova (Carpi, Italy) 5-8 15/12/24
Landstill newbrak Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 14 15/12/24
Dimir Tempo _INF_ Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 15/12/24
Mono Blue Delver yushi013 Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 5-8 15/12/24
Landstill karatedom Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 5-8 15/12/24
Dimir Tempo Dafne17 Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 15 15/12/24
Dimir Control cathjues Modern MTGO League 7 15/12/24
Dimir Tempo trinity Legacy MTGO League 1 15/12/24
Doomsday Eureka22422 Legacy MTGO League 6 15/12/24
Uwx Control Arthur Grillo (Clube Do Fernet) Legacy Showcase - Trios @ Somewhere (?) 1 15/12/24
Stiflenought Artur Etges (Btm Kids) Legacy Showcase - Trios @ Somewhere (?) 2 15/12/24
Dimir Tempo Wagner Iankowski (Pdw) Legacy Showcase - Trios @ Somewhere (?) 4 15/12/24
Ezio Auditore Da Firenze Alexandre Habert Duel Commander Win a Biland @ Fantasy Sphere (Toulouse, France) 2 15/12/24
Ezio Auditore Da Firenze Clément Achard Duel Commander Win a Biland @ Fantasy Sphere (Toulouse, France) 5-8 15/12/24
Stiflenought Davide Barbiero Legacy WL 2 @ Caos AD (Savona, Italy) 1 15/12/24
Ezio Auditore Da Firenze Zhang Hongchen Duel Commander Wool Cup 124 @ Kadou (Beijing, China) 1 15/12/24
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