netdecking with the stars
If you submitted an event this weekend, please read this.
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• Decks must contain following cards
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• Period
25 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Uw Control Duc Genki Tran Modern European Modern Series Qual. @ Fantasy Spieleladen (Passau, Germany) 3-4 20/07/19
Ur Pyromancer Storm Melvin Aguilar Modern TKOTN Season 5: Modern @ Johnson Gaming, Baguio City, Philippines 3-4 03/06/18
Ur Storm Manuel Flor Jr. Modern Regran Open (Quezon City, Philippines) 1 03/03/18
Baral Storm Manuel Flor Jr. Modern Ongkeco's Hobby Shop Monthly Modern 5 11/03/17
Jeskai Control complexsimpleton Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 10 09/02/17
Izzet Dynavolt T0G_MAZTER Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 3 18/12/16
Izzet Dynavolt AgentP Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 7 17/12/16
Mono U Engulf the Shore Michal Michal Standard Showdown (Caslav, Czech Republic) 3-4 10/12/16
Izzet Dynavolt SPottenger Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 1 07/12/16
UR Dynavolt Tower Glenn Van de Steen Standard PPTQ Nashville @Albion Kortrijk 5-8 03/12/16
Izzet Dynavolt SPottenger Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 1 21/11/16
Dynavolt Karlo Duderija Standard PPTQ Amonketh 5-8 05/11/16
Izzet Dynavolt moris Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 8 04/11/16
UR Tower Oleksandra Karkoshko Standard PPTQ Nashville @ TCGUA, Odessa, Ukraine 3-4 30/10/16
Izzet Tower Joey Witherell Standard West Virginia TCGPlayer Standard State Championships 5-8 29/10/16
Izzet Tower Gobern Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 2 20/10/16
Izzet Tower pistols4pandas5 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 1 18/10/16
Izzet Machinegun Jean Emmanuel Depraz Standard PPTQ Magic Corporation (Paris, France) 5-8 15/10/16
Izzet Tower Antoine Lagarde Standard PPTQ Magic Corporation (Paris, France) 2 15/10/16
UR Energy Control Pierre Dagen Standard Pro Tour Kaladesh (Honolulu) 5-8 14/10/16
Jeskai Ascendency Yohay kaplan Modern WMCQ Israel 5-8 17/09/16
Mono Blue Prison bparis15 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 2 07/09/16
RU panoma Limited MTGO Sealed SOI Block PTQ 5-8 05/09/16
Simic Emerge Asahara Akira Standard BIG MAGIC OPEN Vol.7 - Standard Open 5-8 30/07/16
Izzet Control Nick Zaharko Standard SCG Invitational Qualifier - Aurora 3 23/07/16
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