netdecking with the stars
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707 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Norin Humans Antoine Paliotti Modern Tournoi Anniversaire 20 ans @ Bois des Elfes (Bouafles, France) 1 03/11/24
Chord Toolbox Aldreen Modern MTGO Challenge 32 2 27/10/24
Humans I3andit Modern MTGO League 8 18/10/24
Chord Toolbox Christopher W. Modern 2-slots RCQ @ Goblin Games (Manhattan, KS) 3-4 13/10/24
Chord Toolbox Joe P. Modern FNM @ Dragon Knight Games (Kingston, PA) 3-4 11/10/24
Chord Toolbox Steelleaf51 Modern Manatraders Series 17-32 29/09/24
Chord Toolbox Pugface Modern MTGO Challenge 64 14 23/09/24
Chord Toolbox Hunter Ovington Modern $10,000 Showdown @ NRG Series (Louisville, Kentucky) 3-4 14/09/24
Creatures Toolbox NathanOfTheGiltLeaf Modern MTGO Challenge 32 14 13/09/24
Chord Toolbox Inferno18 Modern MTGO Challenge 64 10 09/09/24
Chord Toolbox Thomas Munk Modern Nordic Masters 2024 @ Mindstage (Malmö, Sweden) 1 31/08/24
Creatures Toolbox Terajima Yoshiaki Modern Champions Cup Season 3 Round 2 Store Preliminaries @ Takamatsu Store (Japan) 5-8 25/08/24
Creatures Toolbox RedandSnap1 Modern MTGO Challenge 64 9 25/08/24
Creatures Toolbox Chichichi Modern MTGO Challenge 64 3-4 25/08/24
Creatures Toolbox whviolet Modern MTGO Challenge 64 3-4 25/08/24
Creatures Toolbox AlpInco Modern MTGO Challenge 64 9 25/08/24
Creatures Toolbox manohito Modern MTGO Challenge 64 3-4 25/08/24
Creatures Toolbox Gabanaci Modern MTGO Challenge 64 5-8 25/08/24
Creatures Toolbox Pascal Grossmann Modern RCQ @ Oasis Bar (Genève, Switzerland) 2 25/08/24
Creatures Toolbox Demian Coca Modern RCQ @ Oasis Bar (Genève, Switzerland) 3-4 25/08/24
Creatures Toolbox Luca Fessia Modern RCQ @ Oasis Bar (Genève, Switzerland) 5-8 25/08/24
Suntail Nadu Quentin Wilebski Modern RCQ 1k @ Mox Boarding House (Portland, Oregon) 3-4 25/08/24
Creatures Toolbox Philip Mahr Modern RCQ 1k @ Mox Boarding House (Portland, Oregon) 5-8 25/08/24
Bant Nadu Josh M. Modern Star City Games RCQ (1-Slot) @ Total Gaming Experience (Chillicothe, OH) 3-4 25/08/24
Creatures Toolbox Ota Masahito Modern The Last Sun 2024 Qualifier @ Yokohama (Japan) 1 25/08/24
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