netdecking with the stars
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28 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Ral, Monsoon Mage Dufour Jerome Duel Commander Duel Championship 2024 @ Nexus (Muret, France) 5-8 15/12/24
Ral, Monsoon Mage Yoan Gariston Duel Commander C4ST Control Fall @ Gigean (France) 5-8 01/12/24
Mizzix of the Izmagnus Sam Ervin cEDH Mana Games Commander League: Fall @ Mana Games Café (Lincoln, NE) 5-8 25/11/24
Eris, Roar of the Storm Dupe 2 cEDH Mana Games Commander League: Fall @ Mana Games Café (Lincoln, NE) 9-16 25/11/24
Kess, Dissident Mage Cole Ernst cEDH Anti-cEDH cEDH Club Fire and Ice 3-4 23/11/24
Balmor, Battlemage Captain Nicola Sampogna Duel Commander Tappa Lega @ Magic History (Perugia, Italy) 3-4 09/11/24
Ruby Storm MTGMoneyMaker Modern MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 08/11/24
Ruby Storm MTGMoneyMaker Modern MTGO Showcase Challenge 5-8 02/11/24
Ral, Monsoon Mage Quentin Pottier Duel Commander DC Win a box @ Albi (France) 1 20/10/24
Ruby Storm Jair Pin Modern RCQ @ Tabletop Gaming Center (Newington, CT) 7 20/10/24
Ral, Monsoon Mage Yoan Gariston Duel Commander Fact 10 - Main Event @ Lyon (France) 9-16 12/10/24
Izzet Prowess Nathan W Highlander 7ph - CanBrawl 4 @ Jolt Games (Canberra, Australia) 5-8 05/10/24
Izzet Control Rapsolo Standard Rapsolo's Arena Tournament 3-4 02/10/24
Balmor, Battlemage Captain Vitor Felix Pereira Duel Commander CLM - 2ª Etapa Duel 500 @ Barão Geek House (Campinas, Brazil) 7 13/09/24
Ral, Monsoon Mage eheh_dude Duel Commander MTGO Duel League 1 10/09/24
Other - Combo Guillaume Fabre Duel Commander DC Monthly @ Tableraze (Montpellier, France) 3 08/09/24
Stella Lee, Wild Card Josh Korn cEDH Millennium Commander Royale @ Millennium Comics and Collectables (Rockhampton City Australia) 9-16 07/09/24
Stella Lee, Wild Card Piem Camitan cEDH $100 Multi EDH @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 6 01/09/24
Ruby Storm Aquilix Modern MTGO League 3 01/09/24
Ral, Monsoon Mage Fuz65 Duel Commander MTGO Duel League 3 29/08/24
UR Aggro Yamamoto Takahiro Standard "BloomBurrow" Store Championship @ Shibuya (Japan) 3-4 25/08/24
Stella Lee, Wild Card Pm Camitan cEDH $100 Multi EDH Pod2 @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 3 25/08/24
Stella Lee, Wild Card Pm Camitan cEDH Sunday $100 Multi EDH @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 8 25/08/24
UR Aggro Shikasho Suguru Standard Daily Tournaments @ Hareruya (Japan) 1 19/08/24
Ral, Monsoon Mage Bryant_Cook Duel Commander MTGO Duel League 4 08/08/24
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