netdecking with the stars
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4943 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Niv-Mizzet Reborn termidor Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 11 17/12/24
Lotus Field PNascimento Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 5-8 15/12/24
The One Ring Jeskai Control jaiimechuu Modern MTGO League 6 15/12/24
Ezio Auditore Da Firenze Derek Samson Duel Commander Store Championship de Noël @ JSST (Nice, France) 1 15/12/24
Atraxa, Grand Unifier Nicolas Sotto Duel Commander Store Championship de Noël @ JSST (Nice, France) 3-4 15/12/24
Atraxa Grand Unifer Kitsunaelapie Duel Commander DC Marvel secret lair @ Dice and Drink (Talence, France) 5-8 14/12/24
Atraxa Grand Unifieratraxa Grand Unifier Cyrille Cwern Duel Commander DC Marvel secret lair @ Dice and Drink (Talence, France) 5-8 14/12/24
Lotus Field Beicodegeia Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 9 14/12/24
Lotus Field Beicodegeia Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 9 14/12/24
Enigmatic Incarnation SPyromancer Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 14 13/12/24
Enigmatic Incarnation Capitano_CL Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 2 12/12/24
Enigmatic Incarnation Scooby_Snacks Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 15 12/12/24
Atraxa, Grand Unifier Kontendra Duel Commander MTGO CoreyB's Duel Commander Trial 10 10/12/24
Golos, Tireless Pilgrim RitualSinkhole Duel Commander MTGO CoreyB's Duel Commander Trial 12 10/12/24
Niv-mizzet Reborn Mathieu "moltes" Cunrath Duel Commander 2# Win a biland @ Magic Knight Fr (Strasbourg, France) 5-8 08/12/24
Atraxa, Grand Unifier Adrien Delouÿe Duel Commander Magic O Mont @ Céaux (France) 1 08/12/24
Calibrated Blast Erick Congmon Modern Mox and Lotus Year End Event @ Makati City (Philippines) 5-8 08/12/24
Niv-Mizzet Reborn frod13 Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 11 08/12/24
Enigmatic Incarnation Ignotus97 Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 9 08/12/24
Lotus Field Lavaridge Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 08/12/24
Lotus Field PNascimento Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 5-8 08/12/24
Niv-Mizzet Reborn duke12 Pioneer MTGO Showcase Qualifier 5-8 08/12/24
Zur, Eternal Schemer eresopacaso Pioneer MTGO Showcase Qualifier 5-8 08/12/24
Zur, Eternal Schemer MadMaxErnst Pioneer MTGO Showcase Qualifier 5-8 08/12/24
Enigmatic Incarnation hyyy1 Pioneer MTGO Showcase Qualifier 2 08/12/24
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