netdecking with the stars
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37 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Heliod, Sun-crowned Wenze Xu Duel Commander Bank President Cup @ Hefei (China) 3-4 29/11/20
Tajic, Legion's Edge Adam Fajkus Duel Commander 14. Prague Duel Commander @ Prague 3-4 19/09/20
Weenie White Guillaume Petra Duel Commander Rennes Tournament Commander @ Rennes (France) 9-16 24/11/19
Kytheon, Hero Of Akros Jaroslav Chmelík Duel Commander DC HK- Autumn @ 3-4 14/09/19
Kytheon, Hero Of Akros Jaroslav Chmelik Duel Commander 9th Prague Duel Commander @ Prague 5-8 18/05/19
Kytheon, Hero Of Akros Jonas Kretzschmar Duel Commander 1st Duel-League Leipzig @ Leipzig 2 17/04/19
Kytheon, Hero Of Akros Denovar Duel Commander DCM Feb 2019 2 27/02/19
Isamaru Diego Rio Duel Commander Master Zap @ Palaiseau (France) 9-16 06/01/19
Tajic Christophe Lestic Duel Commander Trial ZAP janvier (HA) @ Amiens 1 15/12/18
Kytheon Ragzin Nikita Duel Commander Volgograd DC daily 3 @ Volgo Games 3-4 02/12/18
Isamaru, Hound Of Konda Julien Parez Duel Commander EDH @ Rennes (Bretagne) 2 25/11/18
Kytheon, Hero of Akros Dave Gonzales Duel Commander Radioactive Games 10k Event @ Gatecrashers, Anonas, QC 3-4 25/11/18
Kytheon, Hero of Akros Dave Gonzales Duel Commander Battle for Duals Savannah @ Mana Underground (Lagro) 2 24/11/18
Kytheon Jiri Pokorny Duel Commander Bohemia DC Prague 7th @ Prague @ Prague 3-4 24/11/18
Kytheon, Hero Of Akros Will Kelly Duel Commander FNM Duel Commander @ Gaming Goat Geneva, IL 1 13/07/18
Kytheon, Hero of Akros Manuel Faber Duel Commander FNM Hiveworld Cologne 1 15/12/17
Athreos, God Of Passage Constantin Bone Duel Commander MagicCorp Classic Trial ZAP 5-8 04/11/17
Kytheon, Hero Of Akros Robin Taghvaei Duel Commander Tournoi des Zaps - Septembre 2017 5-8 17/09/17
Kytheon, Hero Of Akros Eresto Pangilinan Duel Commander GP Manila 2017 Duel Commander 3-4 03/06/17
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Maikon Marques Duel Commander Liga DC Comando Games 2 17/12/16
Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Felipe Rodriguez Duel Commander Duel Commander Semanal - Academia de jogos (São Paulo, Brazil) 5-8 10/11/16
Kytheon, Hero of Akros Felipe rodriguez Duel Commander Duel Commander Semanal - Academia de jogos (São Paulo, Brazil) [20 HP] 3-4 13/10/16
Kytheon, Hero of Akros Robin Taghvaei Duel Commander Palaiseau Octobre [30 HP] 3-4 02/10/16
Kytheon, Hero of Akros Michele Atzeni Duel Commander WarpTournament (Milano, Italy) 1 31/07/16
Kytheon, Hero of Akros Stepan Perina Duel Commander Bohemia DC Tournament Hreadec Kralove 5-8 30/07/16
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