netdecking with the stars
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189 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Gut, True Soul Zealot Austin Madrilejos Duel Commander Tour Montalban @ Saging Banana Store (Rizal, Philippines) 2 17/11/24
Gut White Austin Madrilejos Duel Commander Kalinaw Tourney @ Kalinaw Coffee Co. (Rizal, Philippines) 2 10/11/24
Gut White Austin Madrilejos Duel Commander Big John Cup 2 @ Saging Banana Store (Philippines) 1 03/11/24
Arabella, Abandoned Doll Alvaro Marsh Duel Commander Mensal @ The Dragon Shop (Caruaru, Brazil) 5-8 27/10/24
Gut, True Soul Zealot Coco Duel Commander Draw7 - Open Series 13 @ Thailand 2 26/10/24
Arabella, Abandoned Doll Nhald Adia cEDH $100 Multi Edh @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 1 20/10/24
Gut, True Soul Zealot Krit Duel Commander Draw7 - Open Series #12 @ Thailand 3 12/10/24
Chaka Doll Van Acordon Duel Commander Wednesday Night Duel @ Monarch Games and Hobbies (Philippines) 3 09/10/24
Arabella Danger Nhald Adia Duel Commander Wednesday Night Duel @ Monarch Games and Hobbies (Philippines) 1 02/10/24
Gut Boros François Péchard Duel Commander FNM les K'artonnés @ La Teste de Buch (France) 2 27/09/24
Gut, True Soul Zealot Krit Duel Commander Draw7 Masters Open series #10 @ Thailand 6 15/09/24
Boyaux Monsieur Kollin Duel Commander Event @ Artefacts (Bordeaux, France) 3-4 18/08/24
Tokens Boros François Péchard Modern FNM les Kartonnes @ La Teste de Buch (France) 1 02/08/24
Caesar Lucas Abraão Duel Commander TNDC "Global Beatles Day" @ Bolovo Games (Santos, Brazil) 3-4 25/07/24
Gut / Faceless François Péchard Duel Commander FNM Les K'artonnés @ La Teste de Buch (France) 2 28/06/24
Gut / Boyaux François Pechard Duel Commander FNM les K'artonnés @ La Teste de Buch (France) 1 31/05/24
Gut, Tsz / Faceless One Kollin Noah Duel Commander Open Qualifier @ Artefacts (Bordeaux, France) 14 19/05/24
Gut, True Soul Zealot Jakub Strnad Duel Commander Mostmagic Dc @ Most (Czech Republic) 3-4 11/05/24
Gut Boros Nico Duel Commander Open Qualifier DC @ Selles-sur-Cher (France) 1 05/05/24
Caesar, Legion's Emperor Malou Musset Duel Commander Snailcasters FNM DC @ Guyajeux (Angoulême, France) 2 03/05/24
Gut, True Soul Zealot Karembar974 Duel Commander Champ Rég tournoi 3/3 split 1 @ ile de la Réunion 3 28/04/24
Caesar, Legion's Emperor Malou Musset Duel Commander Snailcasters FNM DC @ Guyajeux (Angoulême, France) 3-4 26/04/24
Gut W Monsieur Kollin Duel Commander Open CDF @ Dice N Drink (Talence, France) 3-4 21/04/24
Caesar, Legion's Emperor Zheng Li Duel Commander CommandFest 3v3 Team DC @ Kadou (Beijing, China) 2 20/04/24
Caesar, Legion's Emperor Van Acordon Duel Commander OTJ Prerelease Duel Event @ Monarch Games and Hobbies (Philippines) 4 14/04/24
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