netdecking with the stars
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• Decks must contain following cards
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40 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Imoti, Celebrant Of Bounty Juca Duel Commander [RC] 7ª Liga @ Bangu (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 5-8 29/05/22
Braids, Cabal Minion Lauro Duel Commander 6a Liga Real Commander @ Vanguarda (Bangu/RJ) 2 17/04/22
Gorex, The Tombshell Jean Aoshi Duel Commander RC1 Cards of Paradise @ Cards Of Paradise (Rio de Janeiro) 2 26/03/22
Ao, The Dawn Sky Juca Duel Commander RC1 Cards of Paradise @ Cards Of Paradise (Rio de Janeiro) 3-4 26/03/22
Gorex, The Tombshell Michel Xisto Duel Commander 5a Liga Real Commander @ Tower of Cards (Rio de Janeiro) 2 05/03/22
Imoti, Celebrant of Bounty Juca Duel Commander Real Commander Vanguarda 2 @ Vanguarda Geek (Bangu/RJ) 3-4 27/02/22
Gorex Michel Xisto Duel Commander Commander @ Tower Of Cards (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 1 12/02/22
Gorex Michel Xisto Duel Commander Real Commander 3 @ Manavai (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 1 10/02/22
Gorex, the Tombshell Michel Xisto Duel Commander II Torneio @ RC Manavai (Brazil) 1 27/01/22
Gorex, the Tombshell Michel Xisto Duel Commander End of Year Event @ vanguardageek (Brazil) 3-4 30/12/21
Skynet Michel Xisto Duel Commander 2 Liga Real Commander @ Bangu (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 2 20/11/21
UB oracle88 Limited MTGO Sealed DAR Block PTQ 5-8 25/06/18
WB lgarrett Limited MTGO Sealed DAR Block PTQ 5-8 17/06/18
GB Watchwolf92 Limited MTGO Sealed DAR Block PTQ 3-4 17/06/18
UB Huetti Limited MTGO Sealed DAR Block MOCS 4 11/06/18
BUw jack7140 Limited MTGO Sealed DAR Block MOCS 5 11/06/18
GW Sturvedog Limited MTGO Sealed DAR Block MOCS 3 11/06/18
GUb rizer Limited MTGO Sealed DAR Block MOCS 1 11/06/18
URw BluffHappy Limited MTGO Sealed DAR Block MOCS 2 11/06/18
Ur kuroro Limited MTGO Sealed DAR Block MOCS 7 11/06/18
WU edward40hands Limited MTGO Sealed DAR Block MOCS 8 11/06/18
Gr TheSack Limited MTGO Sealed DAR Block PTQ 2 04/06/18
GB amiel tenenbaum Limited MTGO Sealed DAR Block PTQ 5-8 04/06/18
GR FilippoK Limited MTGO Sealed DAR Block PTQ 2 28/05/18
Rb qbturtle15 Limited MTGO Sealed DAR Block PTQ 5-8 28/05/18
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