netdecking with the stars
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47 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
The First Sliver Maurice Conradie Duel Commander Hex Club: DC Championship @ The Stone Dragon (Kempton Park, South Africa) 8 25/11/23
Katilda, Dawnhart Prime Wei Cheng Duel Commander Wool Cup 12 @ One Flower One Leaf (Beijing, China) 3-4 30/10/21
Animar, Sould Of Elements Samuel Z. Duel Commander [DDL] Darmstädter Duel Lounge @ Darmstadt, Germany 2 01/11/18
Prossh, Skyraider Of Kher Pavel Gorin Duel Commander League-4 in Citadel-volgograd 3-4 05/03/17
Prossh, Skyraider of Kher Artur Oliveira Duel Commander Duel Commander Mensal @ Academia de Jogos 5-8 07/01/17
Selvala, Explorer Returned Artur de Oliveira Silva Duel Commander Duel Commander @ Academia de Jogos (São Paulo, Brazil) 3-4 03/12/16
Selvala, Explorer Returned Artur de Oliveira Silva Duel Commander Duel Commander Semanal - Academia de jogos (São Paulo, Brazil) 3-4 01/12/16
Prossh, Skyraider of Kher Alfonso Sarmiento Duel Commander National Commander Cup (Valencia, Venezuela) 5-8 19/11/16
Prossh - Elfball Fábio Fernandes Vieira Duel Commander Game Gate Series 5 [30hp] (São Paulo, Brazil) 3-4 16/10/16
Prossh Elfball Fábio Fernandes Vieira Duel Commander Duel Commander Semanal - Academia de jogos (São Paulo, Brazil) [20 HP] 1 13/10/16
Xenagos, god of revels Matthieu Habersetzer Duel Commander Tournoi de la rentrée à Libourne [30 HP] 5-8 02/10/16
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds Andrea Vella Duel Commander Commandergeddon #6 Trial by Warpstone (Milano, Italy) 5-8 04/09/16
Prossh, Skyraider of Kher Jeremy Donohue Duel Commander Duel Commander FNM - The Collector's Zone 3-4 29/07/16
Xenagos, God of Revels Matthieu Habersetzer Duel Commander Aquilon's War 1 : Trial DTC#7 3-4 05/06/16
Animar, Soul of Elements Alexander Dochnal Duel Commander South Texas Duel Commander Open 3-4 07/05/16
Prossh, Skyraider of Kher Alexey Ivanov Duel Commander Liga Generalov Zimi 2.0 (Moscow, Russia) 5-8 26/03/16
Xenagos, God of Revels William Guignot Duel Commander Clash of commander #5 Libourne 2 13/03/16
Yisan, the Wanderer Bard Fabio Kaneto Duel Commander Weekly Duel Commander - Academia de Jogos - 10/03 2 10/03/16
Yisan, the Wanderer Bard Lion Santiago Duel Commander Weekly Duel Commander - Academia de Jogos - 10/03 5-8 10/03/16
Yisan, the Wanderer Bard Fabio Kaneto Duel Commander Duel Commander Mensal - Março - Academia de Jogos 3-4 05/03/16
Yisan, the Wanderer Bard Fábio Kaneto Duel Commander Duel Commander Mensal - Fevereiro 5-8 13/02/16
Yisan, the Wanderer Bard Miguel Rossi Duel Commander Duel Commander Mensal - Fevereiro 1 13/02/16
Yisan, the Wanderer Bard Lion Santiago Duel Commander Weekly Duel Commander - Academia de Jogos 5-8 04/02/16
Marath, Will of the Wild Blas Anthony Yu Duel Commander Philippines Super Series 2016 - 1st leg (Cubao, Philippines) 5-8 30/01/16
Yisan, the Wanderer Bard Fabio Kaneto Duel Commander Duel Commander Semanal - Academia de Jogos 2 28/01/16
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