netdecking with the stars
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137 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Jori En, Ruin Diver Rémi MTGO Commander EDH 2HG - banlist multiplayer @ Nexus (Muret, France) 1 10/11/18
Baral Guillaume Deimerly Duel Commander Angelic Tournament Commander 7 @ Valence (France) 3-4 04/11/18
Narset Jérôme Paulet Duel Commander Trial Zap Quartier Geek 5-8 12/11/17
Mono-blue "seinfeld" Control Jeremy White Canadian Highlander Monday Night Canadian Highlander 1 04/09/17
Baral ghostlylogic MTGO Commander MTGO Commander League 6 10/06/17
Baral Svenihilator MTGO Commander MTGO Commander League 4 14/05/17
Grand Arbiter Augustin IV Steve Ciaronni Duel Commander Westboro Magic League - Aether Revolt Season Finals 3-4 24/04/17
Venser, Shaper Savant Vylo Marinas Duel Commander Duel for Masters 2017 (Baguio City, Philippines) 5-8 01/04/17
Temur Tower Amadio Alessandro Standard PPTQ Comix Café (Grosseto, Italy) 7 19/03/17
UB Control Terrence Rivera Standard Grand Prix Pittsburgh 2017 - Trial Winners 1 10/02/17
Jeskai Control complexsimpleton Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 10 09/02/17
CopyCat poles Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 2 02/02/17
Temur Tower LucaAshok Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 5 24/01/17
UR Control daiho2000 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 3 09/01/17
Jeskai Control _EzMud1 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 1 26/11/16
Grixis Control Montgomery Cattell Standard Pop-a-Lot $10,000 Event 7 20/11/16
Jeskai Control Bradley Hill Standard SCG Standard Open - Knoxville 2 19/11/16
Grixis Dynavolt Bas Melis Standard GPT Louisville @ GameForce (Eindhoven) 5-8 06/11/16
Keranos, god of storms André Escudeiro Duel Commander Duel Commander Mensal @ Academia de Jogos (São Paulo, Brazil) [20HP] 5-8 05/11/16
Azorius Aggro Nikita Sosnov Standard PPTQ Nashville @ TCGUA, Odessa, Ukraine 1 30/10/16
Jeskai COntrol James Nutter Standard West Virginia TCGPlayer Standard State Championships 5-8 29/10/16
Jeskai Control Joao Lucas Caparroz Standard PPTQ Nashville @Bazar de Bagdá 5-8 23/10/16
Jeskai Control Corey Green Standard SCG Classic - Milwaukee 5-8 23/10/16
UW Control Fabian Silva Standard GPT King's Landing 3-4 15/10/16
Azorius Aggro Badyzh Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 4 12/09/16
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