netdecking with the stars
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99 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Jeskai Midrange PSUfan Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 2 20/03/16
4c Collected Company Thijs van Maaren Standard GPT New York @ GameForce (Eindhoven) 2 13/03/16
Bant Red Company Felipe Costa Rocha Standard MTG Caxias Cards - PPTQ Sidney 3-4 12/03/16
Jeskai Midrange mfsoccer7 Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 9 10/03/16
Jeskai Midrange Putput Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 2 10/03/16
Jeskai Midrange WeakerPotions Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 2 06/03/16
Temur Aggro Gianluca Torres Standard PPTQ @ Another World (Altamura, Italy) 3-4 06/03/16
4c CoCo Amir Radmard Standard Grand Prix Houston 2016 5-8 28/02/16
4C Collected BradPitKeeper Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 5 18/02/16
Jeskai Midrange xXLogosXx Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 9 16/01/16
Jeskai Midrange Sam Kikes Standard Grand Prix Oakland 2016 - Trial Winners 1 08/01/16
Jeskai Midrange marobaro Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 2 05/01/16
Temur Megamorph William Pizzi (Team Italy) Standard World Magic Cup 2015 1 13/12/15
4c Aggro Marquis Johnson Standard SCG Premier IQ Somerset 5-8 29/11/15
Temur Aggro Josh McClain Standard SCG Standard Open Kansas City 5-8 22/11/15
Jeskai Midrange CaptainSarang Standard MTGO Standard Champs (#8987706) 1 07/11/15
Jeskai Midrange Joshua Exe Standard TCGplayer States 2015 - Louisiana 3-4 12/10/15
Temur Aggro Orchids Standard MTGO Standard Daily (#8396826) 6 18/06/15
Temur Aggro Jon Boutin Standard Niagara Falls Mana Deprived Super Series 3-4 05/06/15
Temur Aggro Mason Lange Standard SCG Invitational - Last Chance Qualifier 2 04/06/15
Temur Midrange DoubleDrain Standard MTGO Standard Daily (#8300586) 8 25/05/15
Temur Aggro Alban Coutrot Standard All Star Regional Basse Normandie 2 17/05/15
4cCollected urlich00 Standard MTGO Standard PTQ (#8273491) 5-8 16/05/15
4c Collected Yohan Dudognon Standard Grand Prix Paris 2015 Day 1 undefeated 10/05/15
Temur Aggro Skyler Kerr Standard PPTQ - Standard - Mox Boarding House 5-8 09/05/15
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