netdecking with the stars
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• Decks must contain following cards
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43 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Weenie White Jt Small Historic Historic PAUPER @ The Jankyard 2 02/05/21
Weenie White Mike Stein Historic Historic PAUPER @ The Jankyard 3 02/05/21
WW Baessa Mtg Historic Pauper Tourney: Part II @ MTGA Historic Pauper 3-4 20/03/21
WW Baessa Mtg Historic Historic Pauper @ The Jankyard 1 14/03/21
Weenie White Pepc Pauper Fuguete Camp de Natal 2020 9-16 19/12/20
Boros Aggro Watanabe Kenta Standard Win a Mox Opal @ Hareruya 5-8 15/08/19
Weenie White Aiden Brier Standard Star City Games Classic Worcester 3-4 14/07/19
Weenie White Patrick Claggett Standard Star City Games Invitational Qualifier Denton 2 06/04/19
Azorius Knight Philippe Metivier Standard Standard Libourne is Magic @ Libourne 3-4 02/03/19
Weenie White Doubletilt Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 8 21/02/19
White Weenie With Red Benjamin Broderick Standard Cookie Qualifier @ Mr. Nice Guy Games (Monroeville, PA) 2 17/02/19
Azorius Aggro Dara Abounorinejad Standard Northwest RPTQ @ Mox Boarding House (Bellevue, WA) 5-8 17/02/19
Mono-white Aggro Kevin Besta Standard Northwest RPTQ @ Mox Boarding House (Bellevue, WA) 5-8 17/02/19
Azorius Aggro Sam Swanson Standard Northwest RPTQ @ Mox Boarding House (Bellevue, WA) 4 17/02/19
Weenie White ZHPY Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 6 14/02/19
Boros Aggro Just Lola Standard BHAN League Battlegrounds @ MtGA 3-4 29/12/18
Boros Weenie Arkadiy Hvan Standard TCGUA Masters Dec’18 @ Odessa 3-4 16/12/18
Wr Aggro Adam Vincik Standard Cookie Qualifier @ Mr. Nice Guy Games (Monroeville, PA) 1 15/12/18
Boros Aggro Zachary Medford Standard Invitational @ Win Condition Games (Kennesaw, Ga) 2 15/12/18
Boros Aggro Courtland Strodl Standard Invitational @ Win Condition Games (Kennesaw, Ga) 1 15/12/18
Birds Remi Peasant Joutes & Jeux @ Grenoble 3 27/11/18
Weenie White auzzie51 Standard MTGO Standard PTQ 1 18/11/18
Boros Aggro Lackmemory Standard MTGO Standard PTQ 15 11/11/18
Boros Aggro Alexey Shashov Standard WinCondition Cup I @ Moscow 5-8 11/11/18
Weenie White Luis Salvatto Standard Player of the Year Playoff 1 09/11/18
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