netdecking with the stars
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98 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Ulalek, Fused Atrocity Riddenn cEDH 4º Aniversario @ TCG Wolf (México) 5-8 05/10/24
Golgari Scales Xiao Wang Pioneer SML Open 5 @ W.T.F (Shanghai, China) 5-8 28/12/19
Hardened Scales Hoej Pioneer MTGO Pioneer League 2 10/12/19
Golgari Scales Hoej Pioneer MTGO Pioneer League 6 05/12/19
Hardened Golgari Kevslinger Pioneer MTGO Pioneer League 12 04/11/19
Hardened Modular Steve Van Den Bulck Modern M3 Master Series @ Mol 8 05/10/19
Hardened Modular Rafael Boog Modern MKM Series 2019 - Main Event @ Ghent 5-8 13/04/19
Hardened Modular Pieter Bruins Modern MKM Series 2019 - Main Event @ Ghent 3-4 13/04/19
Hardened Modular Thibault Manandar Modern PaLM Qualifier @ MagicCorporation (Paris, France) 8 02/03/19
Hardened Scales Elias Da Silva Pantoja Modern Circuito Ligamagic 12 @ Frei Caneca (São Paulo, Brazil) 5-8 10/02/19
Hardened Modular Littledarwin Modern MTGO Modern MOCS 6 21/01/19
Hardened Modular plemenititapir Modern MTGO Competitive Modern League 7 11/01/19
Hardened Scales Wolfgang Kruis Modern GP Champs @ Leriba (Centurion, South Africa) 5-8 01/12/18
Hardened Modular nico002002 Modern MTGO Competitive Modern League 7 30/11/18
Hardened Affinity Wagner Sandoval Modern Modern Staples @ Collector Legion 3-4 11/11/18
Hardened Scales Affinity Jeffrey Coremans Modern Modern Monthly @ Gameforce (Eindhoven) 3-4 04/11/18
Hardened Modular Rafael Boog Modern 1K Modern @ GamePlace Luzern 3-4 28/10/18
Hardened Scales Modular Mathi Lenaerts Modern M3 Master Series @ Mol 3-4 06/10/18
Hardened Affinity David Mather Modern Shadowy Thoughts Open @ Comic Kings 3-4 30/09/18
Hardened Scales Affinity Adrien Loizel Modern Manafull series modern #4 @ Caen 3-4 23/09/18
Hardened Scales Julien Hammann Modern PPTQ @ Dragonlord Games (Saarbrücken, Germany) 3-4 22/09/18
Hardened Scales Marco Holz Modern PPTQ @ Dragonlord Games (Saarbrücken, Germany) 2 22/09/18
Hardened Affinity Anthony Desanges Modern PPTQ @ Command Zone Games & Hobbies (Hanford CA) 5-8 22/09/18
Hardened Scales Affinity Josh Schroeder Modern PPTQ @ Critical Hit Games (Iowa City, IA) 8 21/09/18
Hardened Scales Peter Ulsenheimer Modern PPTQ @ Bertils Spielwiese (Dillingen, Germany) 2 16/09/18
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