netdecking with the stars
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57 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Eldrazi Aggro alunl Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 1 17/04/16
Eldrazi Aggro Alessandro Danesi Standard PPTQ Nerd Comics (Roma, Italy) 2 17/04/16
Eldrazi Aggro Yankadie Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 4 07/04/16
Eldrazi Aggro MDA11 Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 8 31/03/16
EldraTron ACG88 Modern MTGO Modern PTQ 3-4 27/03/16
Eldrazi Aggro ApocryphaEffect Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 1 27/03/16
EldraTron Minh Truy Phan Modern Pforzheim goes Modern! Vol. VI 3-4 26/03/16
Eldrazi Aggro Tulio_Jaudy Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 1 25/03/16
Eldrazi Aggro TheD Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 8 22/03/16
Eldrazi Aggro CaptainHammer Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 5 22/03/16
Eldrazi Aggro asd Modern MTGO Modern MOCS 1 20/03/16
Eldrazi Aggro Ranos Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 9 18/03/16
Eldrazi Aggro asd Modern MTGO Modern Constructed League 10 17/03/16
Eldrazi Aggro Grandiose_Inquisitor Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 8 16/03/16
UR Eldrazi Brady Miller Modern Modern GPT: Los Angeles at Fire & Dice 3-4 12/03/16
Eldrazi Aggro bigboypin0y Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 1 11/03/16
Eldrazi Aggro frankanspank Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 5 11/03/16
Eldrazi Aggro BEasyBG Modern MTGO Modern Constructed League 7 08/03/16
Eldrazi Aggro Badhors3 Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 8 07/03/16
Eldrazi Aggro Maitland Cameron Modern Grand Prix Melbourne 2016 2 06/03/16
EldraTron Christian Probst Modern GPT Manchester - Hannover 3-4 05/03/16
Eldrazi Aggro Steve Van den Bulck Modern The Fetch Frenzy² @ Magic Masters Mol 5-8 05/03/16
Eldrazi Aggro João Brito Da Silva Modern Grand Prix Detroit 2016 - Trial Winners 1 04/03/16
Eldrazi Aggro John Fleming Modern Grand Prix Melbourne 2016 - Trial Winners 1 04/03/16
Eldrazi Aggro Ranos Standard MTGO Standard Constructed League 3 03/03/16
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