netdecking with the stars
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21 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Eris, Roar Of The Storm Brian Smith Duel Commander MBG Duel Commander @ Mom's Basement Games (Howell, MI) 5-8 25/05/24
Reaminatou, The Fateshifter Stéphane Teisseyre Duel Commander Open Qualifier @ Re-play Games (Roanne, France) 3-4 21/05/23
Esika, God of the Tree Robert Pangelinan cEDH Competitive Commander Tournament @ Laughing Dragon MTG - MXP Oakland Other 01/04/23
Rielle, the Everwise Biganonymous cEDH Lake of the Dead @ UVU Institute BuildingOrem (Utah) 1 11/03/23
UG Madness Manoel Pereira Premodern Liga Paulista - Season 3 - Etapa 2 @ Brasil 2 12/02/23
Lavinia, Azorius Renegade John Haines cEDH 2-Headed Giant @ Nerdz Cafe (Woodstock, Ontario) 1 11/02/23
Rielle, the Everwise Chaianan Lodchana-angsu cEDH Commander of The year @ The Tricker (Nonthaburi, Thailand) 3-4 31/12/22
Octavia, Living Thesis Gabriel Mattos Duel Commander [RC] 11ª Liga Real Commander @ Rio de Janeiro (Brasil) 3-4 16/12/22
Octavia, Living Thesis Gabriel Mattos Duel Commander [RC] @ Cards of Paradise (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 3-4 01/10/22
Octavia, Living Thesis Gabriel Matos Duel Commander [RC] 7ª Liga @ Bangu (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 5-8 29/05/22
UG Survival Madness Miguel Espi Premodern 2º liga PNG - 5º Jornada Grupo 1 3-4 10/04/22
Octavia, Living Thesis Gabriel Mattos Duel Commander 5a Liga Real Commander @ Tower of Cards (Rio de Janeiro) 3-4 05/03/22
Octavia Gabriel Mattos Duel Commander Torneio Real Vanguarda @ Bangu (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 3-4 30/01/22
Child of Alara - Reanimator Andwele Chase Duel Commander League Battle (Barbados) 1 17/10/15
Grixis Reanimator Pavol Gana Highlander Cup 2015 1 11/10/15
Child of Alara - Reanimator Oleg Evseev Duel Commander Liga Generalov Zimi (Moscow, Russia) 3-4 07/03/15
Child of Alara - Reanimator Sergey "Loxmatii" Lamzin Duel Commander Liga Generalov Zimi (Moscow, Russia) 5-8 07/03/15
Child of Alara - Reanimator Oleg Evseev Duel Commander Oeoe tournament (Moscow, Russia) 1 04/01/15
White / Blue / Splash black Kai Budde Limited Pro Tour Nice 2002 5-8 05/05/02
G/R Andrew Wolf Limited Pro Tour San Diego 2002 3-4 13/01/02
B/U Neil Reeves Limited Pro Tour San Diego 2002 5-8 13/01/02
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