netdecking with the stars
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25 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Captain Sisay Kevin Paul Bechtold cEDH cEDH Win-A-Card :Chains of Mephistopheles @ 5C Gaming / The Card Shop (Springfield, MO) 5-8 14/12/24
Omnath, Locus of Creation Yoshizawa Hiroki cEDH Pioneer EDH Meeting 1st Anniversary @ Omiya (Japan) Other 23/11/23
Ruric Thar, the Unbowed Ito Akitsugu cEDH Pioneer EDH Meeting 1st Anniversary @ Omiya (Japan) Other 23/11/23
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy Wallace De Oliveira Duel Commander [RC] Semanal @ Cards Of Paradise (Brasil) 1 15/02/23
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy Wallace Oliveira Duel Commander [RC] Semanal Cards of Paradise @ Cards of Paradise (Rio de Janeiro) 1 18/01/23
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy Wallace De Oliveira Duel Commander [RC] Semanal Cards of Paradise @ Cards Of Paradise (Rio de Janeiro) 1 01/01/23
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy Wallace Santos Duel Commander [RC] @ Cards of Paradise (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) 5-8 01/10/22
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy Wallace Santos Duel Commander [RC] @ Cards of Paradise (Vila Kosmos, Brazil) 3-4 28/09/22
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy Wallace Santos Duel Commander [RC] Semanal Event @ Cards of Paradise (Rio de janeiro) 2 20/07/22
Mono Green Iwan Tingtarto Standard Battle Of Nexus @ Nexus Tabletop Games (Surabaya, Indonesia) 5-8 17/04/22
Other - Aggro Matt Sperling Alchemy Neon Dynasty Championship - Alchemy 32 11/03/22
Other - Aggro Seth Manfield Alchemy Neon Dynasty Championship - Alchemy 32 11/03/22
Other - Aggro Brian Braun-duin Alchemy Neon Dynasty Championship - Alchemy 32 11/03/22
Other - Aggro Henry Mildenstein Alchemy Neon Dynasty Championship - Alchemy 32 11/03/22
Other - Aggro Bart Van Etten Alchemy Neon Dynasty Championship - Alchemy 32 11/03/22
Other - Aggro Brad Nelson Alchemy Neon Dynasty Championship - Alchemy 32 11/03/22
Selesnya Aggro Inamura Naoki Standard Tohoku King Cup @ Hareruya (Japan) 3-4 29/01/22
Gruul Aggro Iizuka Satoru Standard Daily Tournaments @ Hareruya (Japan) 1 24/01/22
RG flyingspaghetti Limited MTGO Sealed VOW Block Super Qualifier 3 17/01/22
GR Mcleskey Limited MTGO Sealed VOW Block Super Qualifier 5 17/01/22
Selesnya Aggro Inamura Naoki Standard Event @ Hareruya (Japan) 1 29/12/21
BG MJ_23 Limited MTGO Sealed VOW Block Super Qualifier 8 19/12/21
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy Loic Dougnac Duel Commander DC @ NeXus (France) 5-8 05/12/21
Sultai Aggro Yojiro Futamata Standard Japan Championship 2021 Season 3 Main race @ BIG MAGIC 9-16 27/11/21
Mono Green Aggro Moin Dude Standard Ma Melee Arena Novembre#6 @ Lord Hebus Magic 3-4 21/11/21
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