netdecking with the stars
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1214 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Walls Combo QueMario Pauper MTGO League 4 18/12/24
Reaping The Song Quim Jimenez Pauper 22ª Edición Superpauper Ingeniobcn @ Ingeniobcn (Barcelona) 9-16 14/12/24
Reaping the Song Makino Takuya Pauper Daily Tournaments @ Hareruya (Japan) 1 09/12/24
Reaping the Song Mtgmoneymaker Pauper Pauper Futebol 2 08/12/24
Reaping the Song Tyerube1618 Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 9 07/12/24
Walls Combo Terminus0 Pauper MTGO League 7 02/12/24
Cycling Storm Victor Capanema Pauper LaPQP - Décima Primeira Etapa @ For Fun Arena (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) 2 01/12/24
Reaping the Song Tyerube1618 Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 30/11/24
Walls Combo Gerard Gili Pauper Super Event @ Ingenio BCN Games (Barcelona) 9-16 30/11/24
Reaping the Song Tyerube1618 Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 29/11/24
Walls Combo Marco Lijoi Pauper Lega Granda @ Italy 2 26/11/24
Reaping the Song Tyerube1618 Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 16 22/11/24
Walls Combo Marco Lijoi Pauper Lega Granda - Tappa 19/11/2024 @ Italy 5-8 19/11/24
Mono Black Aggro Zenonato Pauper Fuguete Champ 213 5-8 18/11/24
Walls Combo QueMario Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 3-4 17/11/24
Reaping the Song Tyerube1618 Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 13 16/11/24
Mono Black Aggro Zenonato Pauper Tropical 09 5-8 16/11/24
Reaping the Song Tyerube1618 Pauper MTGO Challenge 32 15 15/11/24
Walls Combo Lukiiiita Pauper CLM Etapa final - top 8 @ Covil do Calango (João Pessoa, Brazil) 3-4 09/11/24
Walls Combo Jak Smith Pauper Win-a-Box @ The Movie Shack (Kent, UK) 5-8 09/11/24
Walls Combo Terminus0 Pauper MTGO League 8 08/11/24
Walls Combo Terminus0 Pauper MTGO League 4 07/11/24
Cycle Storm Alessio Audizi Pauper 3 Tappa Lega Pauper Rieti @ Comics Empire (Contigliano Italy) 1 06/11/24
Reaping the Song Alessio Audizi Pauper 3 Tappa Lega Rieti @ Rieti (Italy) 1 06/11/24
Mono Black Aggro LoveCrayons Pauper MTGO League 4 04/11/24
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