netdecking with the stars
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26 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Lumra, Bellow of the Woods Kokubun Hiroki cEDH The 10th God of Commander Tournament @ TC (Tokyo, Japan) 5-8 28/11/24
Yoshi + Bruse Blue Pumanes Duel Commander Northern Clash 2024 100k DC @ 5th North Hobby Expo (Baguio City, Philippines) 2 05/10/24
Yoshi/bruse Tarl Aaron Blue Pumanes Duel Commander Wednesday Night Duel @ Monarch Games and Hobbies (Philippines) 3 02/10/24
Edric, Spymaster of Trest Yoshida Toshiyuki cEDH The 7th God of Commander @ TC (Tokyo, Japan) 3-4 26/01/24
Edric, Spymaster of Trest Yoshida Toshiyuki cEDH Commander Summit @ TC (Tokyo, Japan) 1 06/01/24
RDW Pablo Montecinos Premodern Open @ La Forja de Stone (Santiago, Chile) 3-4 10/06/23
Red Land Loss Álvaro Galindo Premodern Copa Gato @ Chile 1 31/01/23
Terravore Felix Bolland Premodern Neujahrsevent @ Et Cetera (Freising, Germany) 1 08/01/23
Terravore Nicolas Rupcic Premodern Event @ Magic Lair (Buenos Aires, Argentina) 3-4 10/12/22
Terravore Mathis Ouimet-masson Premodern Online Monthly 9-16 30/08/22
Terravore Mathis Ouimet Premodern Joute @ La Boutique Mythique (Québec, Québec) 3-4 31/07/22
Prime Speaker Vannifar Kishi Syunsuke cEDH Gachicoma! The merciless commander @ Hareruya (Japan) 2 19/02/22
Prime Speaker Vannifar Kishi Syunsuke cEDH Weekend Commander @ Hareruya (Japan) 3 08/01/22
Rebels Sam Rolph Block Mercadian Masques Block Constructed 2021 World Championship !! OOO @ testuser1 1 13/11/21
Prime Speaker Vannifar Kishi Syunsuke cEDH Commander Night @ Hareruya (Japan) 1 16/10/21
Mono Rot Ottmar Keil Highlander Highlander Grand Prix V 5-8 05/06/08
Probe Go Wolfgang Eder Standard Continental - Europe 2001 @ Milan (Italy) 5-8 01/07/01
Nether Go Katsuhiro Mori Standard Continental - Asia Pacific Championship 2001 (APAC) @ Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) 3-4 23/06/01
Mori-katsu Go (Nether Go) Yukihiro Usami Standard Nationals - Japan 2001 5-8 02/06/01
Blue Skies Andrew Gordon Standard Nationals - Australia 2001 1 28/04/01
Nether Go Maxime Reichman Klauser Standard Nationals - France 2001 @ Avignon 3-4 01/03/01
White / Red Andrew Johnson (Car Acrobatic Team) Limited Pro Tour New York 2000 (Team) 2 01/10/00
Accelerated Blue Roland Aw Standard Nationals - Canada 2000 @ Vancouver (B.C.) 7 02/07/00
Stompy Murray Evans Standard Nationals - Canada 2000 @ Vancouver (B.C.) 2 02/07/00
Accelerated Blue Michael Gurney Standard Nationals - Canada 2000 @ Vancouver (B.C.) 6 02/07/00
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