netdecking with the stars
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169 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Gev, Scaled Scorch Mike Duel Commander DC Monthly @ Dicewars (Castellón, Spain) 3-4 29/09/24
Gut, True Soul Zealot Ivan Mujica Duel Commander Duel Commander Nights @ TCG (Panama) 3-4 29/12/23
Red Deck Wins Brandao89 Pauper MTGO League 4 31/08/22
Judith, The Scourge Diva Emeric "eichimaru" Durdos Duel Commander Tournoi Bi-mensuel @ LaguildeDinan 2 16/08/19
Judith Sofiane Cormier Duel Commander Rebound Master ZAP @ Palaiseau 7 07/07/19
Exava, Rakdos Blood Witch Stephen Baert Duel Commander FNM Duel Commander 02 @ Gaming Goat Geneva 2 20/01/18
Red Deck Wins Techededge Pauper MTGO Pauper League 4 15/06/17
Red Deck Wins DarkHellkite Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 1 12/02/17
Red Deck Wins Du3nd3 Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 9 22/11/16
Red Deck Wins Erostratus Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 5 21/11/16
Red Deck Wins kavu2br Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 8 19/11/16
Red Deck Wins LouisB Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 8 11/11/16
Red Deck Wins LouisB Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 9 10/11/16
Red Deck Wins zemox Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 9 07/11/16
Red Deck Wins LouisB Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 2 05/11/16
Red Deck Wins LouisB Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 5 05/11/16
Red Deck Wins HTE Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 5 01/11/16
Red Deck Wins Thales Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 1 26/10/16
Red Deck Wins ManaMox Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 3 10/10/16
Red Deck Wins noidroid Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 1 20/08/16
Red Deck Wins deemonCZ Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 2 25/07/16
Red Deck Wins wontspendmoney Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 7 21/07/16
Red Deck Wins piantolol Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 6 17/07/16
Red Deck Wins wontspendmoney Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 7 17/07/16
Red Deck Wins Thirdear218 Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 1 13/07/16
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