netdecking with the stars
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75 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Stompy Adrián Recio Pérez Premodern Mensual Liga Granada @ Granada (Spain) 2 23/11/24
Stompy Manuel Lopez Premodern VII Liga Madrileña - Jornada 2 @ Madrid (Spain) 9-16 05/10/24
Stompy Juan Carlos Maeso Garcia Premodern Agroliga Jornada 2 @ Asociacion Cónclave (Manzanares, Spain) 5-8 17/02/24
RG Aggro Kim Karl Pfeiffer Premodern UC Charity @ Ultra Comix (Nuremberg, Germany) 5-8 02/12/23
Gruul Aggro Kim Karl Pfeiffer Premodern 17th Tournament @ Ultra Comix (Nuremberg, Germany) 1 11/11/23
Jund Land Loss Ernesto Carrasco Premodern OrthodoxCon 5-8 22/07/23
Stompy Albertolor Premodern Discord Magic Sunday 3 Edicion Mayo 2 21/05/23
Stompy Recklessknight Premodern 4ª Liga PNG 5ª Jornada 1 01/05/23
Stompy Lionel Low Premodern Society Event @ Singapore 1 02/04/23
Stompy Patrick Hathaway Premodern Open @ Misty Mountain Games (Madison, WI) 2 25/06/22
Stompy Francisco Cumplido Premodern IV Liga Madrileña - 5 jornada @ Madrid (Spain) 5-8 08/01/22
Stompy Owen Fletcher Premodern Online Monthly 5-8 31/07/21
Stompy Francisco Cumplido Premodern Summer Open @ Madrid (Spain) 5-8 24/07/21
Selesnya Aggro Nestumpt Pauper Duelos de Honra (Online) @ Portugal 3 04/12/20
Arahbo, Roar Of The World Glenn Marc Alesna Duel Commander Tournament For a Cause @ Mana Underground (Quezon City, Philippines) 3-4 24/08/19
Arahbo, Roar Of The World Cuchet Martin (spigusheegu) Duel Commander Trial ZAP @ Asian Gate (Blois, France) 3 18/08/19
Arahbo, Roar of the World Tejs Jannsen Duel Commander Monthly Duel Commander @ Magic Player (Holbæk, Denmark) 2 15/07/19
Arahbo, Roar Of The World Olifer Egor Duel Commander City Championship Summer '19 @ Volgo Games (Russia) 2 30/06/19
Arahbo, Roar Of The World Bukatin Nikita Duel Commander City Championship Summer '19 @ Volgo Games (Russia) 5-8 30/06/19
Arahbo, Roar Of The World Loic Duel Commander Trial Zap @ Nexus (Muret, France) 5-8 16/06/19
Arahbo, Roar Of The World Luc Duel Commander Trial Zap @ Nexus (Muret, France) 3-4 16/06/19
Arahbo, Roar Of The World Nils H. Duel Commander TRIAL ZAP Masters [DDL] @ Darmstadt, Germany 3-4 11/06/19
Cats Milan Nečas Duel Commander Duel O Dual @ Poděbrady 1 01/06/19
Arahbo David Perez Duel Commander Duel Commander @ Nexus (Muret, France) 5-8 11/05/19
Arahbo, Roar Of The World Nils H. Duel Commander [DDL] Lounge League @ Darmstadt, Germany 1 25/04/19
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