netdecking with the stars
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• Decks must contain following cards
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23 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Ratchet, Field Medic Lény Lopez Duel Commander Emraclette DC #8 @ Chambery (France) 5-8 18/02/24
Ratchet, Field Medic Arthas cEDH $100 Circuit Trial @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 1 04/02/24
Ratchet Steve "zuzur" Kunze Duel Commander DC Win savanah @ Ludetopia (Poncin, France) 1 17/12/23
The Gaffer Ashley Hipol cEDH $100 LTR Multi EDH @ Upkeep Hobbies (Philippines) 7 16/07/23
Ratchet, Field Medic Jan Kousal Duel Commander #3 Hradubice - DC Serie @ UNTAP (Czech Republic) 2 29/04/23
Ratchet, Field Medic Jan Kousal Duel Commander #1/23 Hradubice @ UNTAP (CZE) 2 21/01/23
Tivit, Seller Of Secrets Flávio Guio Duel Commander 17º Torneio Cachoeiro @ Cripta de Mana (Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Brazil) 2 28/09/22
Orzhov Aggro Vidal Elias De Carvalho Neto Pauper Fuguete League 81 2 03/08/22
Devotion to White SeventhProphet Pioneer MTGO League 7 04/04/22
Ao, The Dawn Sky Juca Duel Commander RC1 Cards of Paradise @ Cards Of Paradise (Rio de Janeiro) 3-4 26/03/22
Orzhov Pestilence Theswordhit Pauper 0-2 Drop Championship 2.3 3-4 13/02/22
Orzhov Pestilence Theswordhit Pauper Tropical 6.07 5-8 12/02/22
Weenie White SeventhProphet Pioneer MTGO Pioneer League 6 15/11/21
Orzhov Pestilence Tiagofuguete Pauper Torneio de Comemoração - 1 ano de live 5-8 26/09/21
Mono White Control Aardos Standard MTGO Standard League 5 20/09/21
Mono White Control Aardos Standard MTGO Standard Challenge 6 19/09/21
Orzhov Pestilence Clamego Pauper Paradise Champ 2 16/09/21
Devotion to Orzhov T-dog-joinville Pauper Torneio do Weber 3-4 24/08/21
Mono White Control Bordas99 Standard MTGO Standard League 5 16/08/21
Orzhov Pestilence Takamura_ Pauper Fuguete Champ 41 - Part. GumaNoob - Leia as Regas 2 09/08/21
Mono White Control Aardos Standard MTGO Standard Challenge 8 09/08/21
Orzhov Ephemerate T-dog-joinville Pauper Royale 7.08 - Leia as Regras! 3-4 29/07/21
Orzhov Ephemerate T-dog-joinville Pauper Pauper Royale 7.06 2 15/07/21
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