netdecking with the stars
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• Event
• Deck
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• Format
• Level Professional
• Decks must contain following cards
Main deck Sideboard
• Period
192 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Boros Aggro AtlantaMagicAtNight Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 9 24/08/16
Red Deck Wins KillDawg Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 4 06/08/16
Legendary Boros Whole Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 5 05/08/16
Eldrazi Aggro Vincent Marchica Standard SCG Super IQ - Kissimmee 6 24/07/16
UR Aggro Bas Timmermans Standard Standard Monthly @ GameForce (Eindhoven) 2 10/07/16
UR Aggro Dafore Standard MTGO Standard PTQ 3-4 05/07/16
Eldrazi Aggro Luis M. Standard PPTQ Honolulu @ Industria 61 (Barcelona, Catalunya) 4 03/07/16
Gruul Aggro yunk3r Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 2 20/06/16
Eldrazi Red Cedric Merlet Standard WMCQ France 6 19/06/16
Gruul Midrange Thierry Ramboa Standard WMCQ France 5 19/06/16
Grixis Control edward40hands Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 2 16/06/16
RW Eldrazi Hector poblete Standard PPTQ Honolulu @ Tio Orco 5-8 28/05/16
Eldrazi Aggro pRoberto Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 10 23/05/16
Red Deck Wins TeamRevolution Standard MTGO Standard Champ Qual 1 13/05/16
Boros Displacer Héctor "Negro" Poblete Standard Tio Orco Shadows over Innistrad Game Day 2 30/04/16
Rakdos Control Marcelo "Thrull" Almendra Standard Tio Orco Shadows over Innistrad Game Day 5-8 30/04/16
Boros Aggro Miyauchi Makoto Standard Standard @ Hareruya 1 26/04/16
Mardu Control Fujiwara Takashi Standard Standard @ Hareruya 1 26/04/16
Rakdos Control Michael Carter Standard PPTQ @ Cool Stuff Games (Jacksonville, FL) 3-4 23/04/16
Rakdos Control Ray Tautic Standard SCG Virginia States 2 23/04/16
Eldrazi Red Gozzito Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 2 22/04/16
Boros Displacer Batuhan Ucuzal Standard Pro Tour Shadows Over Innistrad (Madrid) 22/04/16
Rakdos Control Gregory Orange Standard Pro Tour Shadows Over Innistrad (Madrid) 22/04/16
Rakdos Control Big_Game_Hunter Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 10 21/04/16
Mono-Red Eldrazi Mat Bimonte Standard SCG Baltimore 9-16 11/04/16
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