netdecking with the stars
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102 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Mono Blue Aggro Jay Hughes Pauper Monthly Tournament @ New Zealand MTG Community 3-4 13/10/24
Mono Blue Aggro Haoya Pauper Tropical 141 5-8 15/07/23
Mono Blue Aggro Haoya Pauper Tropical 136 3-4 10/06/23
Mono Blue Aggro Haoya Pauper Tropical 133 5-8 20/05/23
Mono Blue Aggro Haoya Pauper Tropical Pauper 128 2 15/04/23
Adeliz, The Cinder Wind Andy Petit Duel Commander Win a Bayou @ Asgard TCG (Toulouse, France) 3-4 23/08/20
Delver Ftw Zombie33 Peasant Online Tournament @ Mtg-Peasant 4 26/03/20
Mono U Stompy Girolamo Mastruzzi Pauper Lega Toscana - Tappa 3 @ Dungeon Street (Pisa, Italy) 2 30/01/20
Mono Blue Aggro WrathofChaos182 Pauper MTGO Pauper Challenge 15 14/10/19
Jori En Ben H Duel Commander FNM Hiveworld @ Hiveworld Cologne 4 21/06/19
Mono Blue Aggro Amoras27 Pauper MTGO Pauper League 1 08/05/19
Ninja Bière Louis Peasant Joutes & Jeux @ Grenoble 4 13/11/18
Ninja Standstill Blade LF11 Peasant Chez Zebig @ Chalons sur Soane 1 10/11/18
Mono U Fly Unknown Peasant MLG Peasant 3-4 25/11/17
Ninja Bear Sister-Morphine Peasant Online - single elimination @ Cockatrice 1 10/03/17
U Aggro mencus Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 2 18/02/17
jori En, Ruin Diver - Burn Johannes Huder Duel Commander Duel In The Castle (Paderborn, Germany) 5-8 08/01/17
Mono Blue Aggro Pheonix35 Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 4 29/12/16
UB Delver LazZoO Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 1 17/11/16
Mono Blue Aggro jonathanalexander Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 2 22/10/16
Mono Blue Aggro jonathanalexander Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 4 19/10/16
Mono Blue Aggro Pheonix35 Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 10 17/10/16
UB Delver LazZoO Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 5 13/10/16
Mono Blue Aggro giganticminnow Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 7 09/10/16
Ninja Blue Bezugo Pauper MTGO Pauper Constructed League 4 03/10/16
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