netdecking with the stars
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• Decks must contain following cards
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27 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Ral, Monsoon Mage Dufour Jerome Duel Commander Duel Championship 2024 @ Nexus (Muret, France) 5-8 15/12/24
Ral, Monsoon Mage Xenowan Duel Commander MTGO League 2 13/12/24
Ral, Monsoon Mage Quentin Pottier Duel Commander DC Win a box @ Albi (France) 1 20/10/24
Ral, Monsoon Mage eheh_dude Duel Commander MTGO Duel League 1 10/09/24
Other - Combo Guillaume Fabre Duel Commander DC Monthly @ Tableraze (Montpellier, France) 3 08/09/24
Ral, Monsoon Mage Bryant_Cook Duel Commander MTGO Duel League 4 08/08/24
Urabrask Maxime Catala Duel Commander League DC @ Magic&Games (Montpellier, France) 2 29/05/24
Urabrask Et Géographie Nathan Leinot Duel Commander Larzac Legend League @ Saint-Affrique (Aveyron, France) 3-4 07/01/24
Urabrask Nicola Improta Duel Commander Ring of duel @ Palantir (Molfetta, Italy) 1 22/10/23
Urabrask Huss Thibaut Duel Commander LTC#6 Sunday @ Ohlungen (France) 5-8 15/10/23
Urabrask Adrien Houssard Duel Commander Magic a Brac @ Maitre Renard (Lattes, France) 3-4 30/09/23
Urabrask Adrien Houssard Duel Commander Larzac Legend League @ St Affrique (France) 5-8 24/09/23
Urabrask Adrien Houssard Duel Commander Fact 7 - Sunday Event @ Lyon (France) 16 17/09/23
Urabrask Nicola Improta Duel Commander 2° Tappa Lega Duel Commander @ Campania (Italy) 1 08/08/23
Urabrask Maxime Catala Duel Commander Magic&Games Invitational #1 @ Montpellier (France) 5-8 14/07/23
Urabrask Adrien Houssard Duel Commander CR Languedoc Roussillon @ Montpellier (France) 5-8 30/04/23
Birgi, God Of Storytelling Jonas Kretzschmar Duel Commander 1st Brew-League @ Leipzig (Germany) 2 07/06/21
Anje Reanimator Hugo Lamour Duel Commander Rennes Tournament Commander @ Rennes (France) 9-16 24/11/19
Daretti Cesidio Vischi - Meideros Duel Commander carta'jeu monthly Dc 1 11/03/18
Daretti, Scrap Savant Cesidio Vischi Duel Commander STC " Les sentinelles" 5-8 25/02/18
Daretti, Scrap Savant Cesidio Vischi Duel Commander Planeswalker Tournament Commander 5-8 27/01/18
Daretti Cesidio Vischi (meideros) Duel Commander Duel commander monthly Carta'Jeu Lyon 1 12/11/17
Daretti Cesidio Vischi (madeiros) Duel Commander Carta'Jeu Duel Commander September 3-4 10/09/17
Daretti Cesidio Vischi (meideros) Duel Commander Carta'Jeu Duel Commander 2 20/08/17
Daretti, Scrap Savant Cesidio Vischi Duel Commander PTC Lyon Duel Commander 5-8 10/06/17
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