netdecking with the stars
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962 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Golos, Tireless Pilgrim Nicolas Rabillard Duel Commander Rising Sun SPLIT 1 FINAL DC @ Ile de la Réunion 5-8 17/07/22
Jirina Kudro Adam Fajkus Duel Commander #3 Hradubice - DC Series @ Untap (CZE) 5-8 16/04/22
Golos, Tireless Pilgrim Ziqi Xi Duel Commander Wool Cup 30 Qingming @ Kadou (Beijing, China) 3-4 05/04/22
Orzhov Humans Reeplcheep Legacy MTGO Preliminary 5 25/03/22
Golos, Tireless Pilgrim Florian Guillet Duel Commander Prime Event #8 @ Châteauroux (France) 5-8 13/03/22
Humans Patrick Moncuquet Legacy Weekly event @ Troll2Jeux (Paris, France) 2 04/01/22
Humans Vinicius Hespanhol Legacy Super Event @ Porto Alegre (Brazil) 5-8 19/12/21
Goluren Moondust Duel Commander Commander League S5 Main Event @ Cockatrice + Discord 5-8 18/09/21
Humans Avishai Passman Legacy Event @ Rogues Quarter (London, UK) 5-8 15/08/21
Death & Taxes Watanabe Yasunari Legacy Eternal Party 2020 @ Tokyo (Japan) 3-4 06/12/20
Death & Taxes Tashizm Legacy MTGO Legacy Premier 14 19/10/20
Humans Eddie Zamora Legacy Event @ anzidmtg 5-8 05/07/20
Jirina Koudro Diego "dmyr" Rio Duel Commander Duel commander des cafards @ Le vizz (Rouen, France) 1 20/06/20
Humans Josiah Vallie Legacy Lotus Box League Season 1: Legacy 1.5K! @ Team Lotus Box 5-8 31/05/20
Humans Luiz Fernando Jardim Legacy 1ª Etapa LML 2020 @ UGCardShop (Belo Horizonte, Brazil) 5-8 16/02/20
Humans Vinicius Hespanhol Legacy 1ª Etapa LLC 2020 @ Criciúma 1 09/02/20
Humans Luis Fernando Jardim Legacy TCGeek Final @ Belo Horizonte (Brazil) 3 02/02/20
5c Humans Pierre Smith Legacy Win Staples 1 05/01/20
Humans Mircea Posiou Legacy Finals @ Spielraum (Vienna, Austria) 5-8 08/12/19
Humans Ben Belmans Legacy M3 Master Series @ Mol (Belgium) 5-8 08/12/19
Humans Luis Fernando Jardim Legacy Brazilian National Legacy 2019 @ Belo Horizonte 5-8 01/12/19
Humans DNEELEY Legacy MTGO Legacy Challenge 12 04/11/19
Humans ewlandon Legacy MTGO Legacy League 3 02/11/19
Humans Dopedafi Legacy MTGO Legacy League 6 07/09/19
Reyhan + Tymna Björn Hoffmann Duel Commander 2nd German Duel Commander @ Darmstadt (Germany) 3-4 01/09/19
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