netdecking with the stars
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26 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Pippin, Guard Of The Citadel Pernes Domino Duel Commander Think Twice #8 - Open Qualifier @ Nantes (France) 1 14/04/24
Light-paws, Emperor's Voice Durães Duel Commander [RC] Semanal Cards of Paradise @ Cards Of Paradise (Rio de Janeiro) 3-4 01/01/23
Light-paw Thomas Drucke Duel Commander OTD Commander @ Valenciennes (France) 3-4 03/09/22
Light-paws, Emperor's Voice Thomas Drucké Duel Commander Big Relic : Green @ Relic (Toulouse, France) 2 03/07/22
Light-paws Julio Bernardo Duel Commander International Handshake Day @ Caverna do Dragão (Santos, Brazil) 2 21/06/22
Light-paws, Emperor's Voice Frantisek Krizkovsky Duel Commander #3 UNTAP Warm-Up DC @ UNTAP (Hradec Kralove) 1 21/05/22
Light-paws Laurent Bozec Duel Commander DC Manafull @ Caen (France) 9-16 15/05/22
Light-paws, Emperor's Voice Nathan Hundley Duel Commander Duel League @ Imperial Comics & Games (Shelby NC) 5-8 02/05/22
Light-paws, Emperor's Voice Benoit Rouault Duel Commander Armoric Fest #1 @ Dinan (France) 5-8 26/02/22
Heliod, Souverain Du Soleil Nicolas Rabillard Duel Commander Duel commander mensuel @ Sortilèges (Saint Denis, Ile de la Réunion) 1 04/09/20
Sram, Senior Edificer Camil Ben Temam Duel Commander Event Cockatrice #5 @ France 2 13/05/20
Heliod, Sun-crowned Alexander Smirnov Duel Commander After Biblioteka tournament @ Volgo Games 2 02/02/20
Sram David "shakalak" Garnier Duel Commander ZAP septembre @ Palaiseau (France) 9-16 22/09/19
Sram, Senior Edificer Duelcastermage Duel Commander DCM Aug 2019 2 21/08/19
Arahbo, Roar Of The World Cuchet Martin (spigusheegu) Duel Commander Trial ZAP @ Asian Gate (Blois, France) 3 18/08/19
Arahbo, Roar of the World Tejs Jannsen Duel Commander Monthly Duel Commander @ Magic Player (Holbæk, Denmark) 2 15/07/19
Arahbo, Roar Of The World Olifer Egor Duel Commander City Championship Summer '19 @ Volgo Games (Russia) 2 30/06/19
Arahbo, Roar Of The World Bukatin Nikita Duel Commander City Championship Summer '19 @ Volgo Games (Russia) 5-8 30/06/19
Arahbo Martin Cuchet Duel Commander ZAP November @ Palaiseau (France) 5-8 11/11/18
Kytheon, Hero of Akros Stepan Perina Duel Commander Bohemia DC Tournament Hreadec Kralove 5-8 30/07/16
Kytheon, Hero of Akros François Adam Duel Commander Troc'N'Troll - April Duel Commander 2 09/04/16
Kytheon, Hero of Akros James McMillen Duel Commander Duel Commander FNM - Collector's Zone 2 11/03/16
Kytheon, Hero of Akros Mateus Marques Duel Commander Weekly Duel Commander - Academia de Jogos - 10/03 5-8 10/03/16
Kytheon, Hero of Akros TimTim Duel Commander Hobby MTG Duel Commander Tournament 1st 5-8 03/10/15
Geist of Saint Traft Pierre Almaraz Duel Commander EDH2 @ BoM9 (Annecy) 5-8 04/05/14
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